Chapter 7: Assault of The Saibaimen!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

The Saiyan's had finally arrived, and leveled the city of Oniyuri in the process! The Saiyan's made their way towards Piccolo, Ruby, and Fasha'a location. Before they arrived, Jaune made it to the group first, telling them that their friends were on the way. And just like that, the Saiyan's had appeared before them! The four warriors came to the horrifying revelation that the two Saiyan's had been listening in on their conversation about the Dragon Balls, from Fasha's scouter! They also reveled Piccolo's true nature. As it turned out, Piccolo wasn't a demon at all, but an alien known as, a Namekian! In an attempt to threaten the four heroes, the Saiyan's planted ten small pods into the ground. Then the ground burst open to reveal ten small green humanoid known as, Saibaimen! How will our heroes fare against these foes?

(Play 1:02)

Assault of The Saibaimen!


Piccolo, Ruby, Fasha, and Jaune were surrounded by the Saibaimen on all sides. Until four Saibaimen jumped towards them, beginning their attack. Piccolo, Fasha and Jaune jumped towards their adversaries and began to defend against them. While this went on, Ruby stood in the middle and saw her friends moving at speeds superior to her semblance. Then, a Saibaiman appeared behind her! Turning around, she saw the Saibaiman lunge toward her, knocking her back. She quickly got back up and kicked it back into a rock formation. After that, Her friends appeared right next to her once again.

"Alright, this time, we go on the offence!" Jaune instructed.

Then they heard a voice call out.

"Hey, Jaune!"

The four looked up, and saw Pyrrha, Cardin and Velvet fly to them.

"Guys, you made it!" Jaune said in excitement.

Then his excitement turned to confusion when he didn't see Ren and Nora, or the rest of Team CFVY.

"Hey, where's everyone else?" Jaune asked.

"Team CFVY, along with Ren and Nora decided to stay at Beacon in case the Saiyan's would attack it." Pyrrha said.

Hearing the name Beacon caught Vegeta's attention.

"Beacon? Is that where you're storing the Dragon Balls?" Vegeta asked.

Pyrrha, Cardin and Velvet were shocked that these two Knew about the Dragon Balls. Before anyone could answer, three new arrivals showed up, it was the rest of Team RWBY!

"Yang, Blake, Weiss!" Ruby said before running over and embracing her friends.

Then finally, Sun and Neptune arrived.

"Hey, sorry we're late." Neptune said.

"Neptune!" Weiss exclaimed dreamily.

Across from them, Vegeta began to inspect how many fighters there were.

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