Chapter 2: A Harrowing Rescue!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren and his friends were enjoying each other's company, until a mysterious woman with a tail arrived. The young hunters at first mistook her as a monkey Faunus, though it seemed that wasn't the case. The woman's name was Fasha, and she brought with her shocking news. As it turned out, Fasha isn't a Faunas at all, she was a Saiyan from a planet called Vegeta. Then she brought forth the news that Oren too, is a Saiyan. To make matters even more shocking, it turns out that Oren is in fact the youngest son of King Vegeta, the ruler of Planet Vegeta. In a state of denial, Oren refused to believe her and to join her and her group. To make Oren comply, Fasha kidnapped Ruby! Before Oren could go after them, Piccolo showed up to offer his aid. So, the two took off in order to save Ruby, and to stop Fasha.

(Play 1:02)

A Harrowing Rescue!


Fasha had just arrived back to her ship, and placed Ruby inside. Afterwards, she decided to take a rest against a tree nearby. Then all of a sudden, her device went off in a series of rapid beeps. Getting up, she looked around and tried to find where the power level was coming from.

"I-Impossible! This power level is seven hundred and ten, but who's is it?" Fasha questioned.

Using her device, she looked around the countryside and saw nothing. That was, until she turned and looked into the crater where her pod was.

"T-The Akulari girl?! But she didn't look like she could hold her own in a fight, there's no way her power level can be this high! The damn scouter must be malfunctioning!" Fasha exclaimed.

Just then, here device went off yet again!

"Two power level's are coming this way!" Fasha said to herself.

Earlier, both Oren and Piccolo were following the coordinates that the Dragon radar gave them. Then they arrived at their destination. Oren flipped off of Nimbus, while Piccolo landed onto the ground, opposite of Fasha.

"Tato, how'd you find me?" Fasha asked.

"That's none of your business!" Oren retorted back.

Fasha smiled and shrugged.

"Fair point. Alright, I'll ask another question. What are you two doing here?" Fasha asked.

At this moment, Ruby began to stir.

"Ugh, w-what happened?" Ruby groaned.

She then noticed that she was trapped inside a round metal pod, before she could learn more, she heard muffled voices coming from outside the pod.

"I'm here to get my friend back!" The voice yelled.

Ruby recognized that voice, it was Oren's! looking through the window she saw both Oren and Piccolo standing in front of Fasha.

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