Chapter 3: The Million Mile Snake Way!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren and Piccolo had successfully tracked down, and located Fasha. After they both arrived, Fasha once more attempted to convince Oren to join her and her comrades deep in outer space. Oren refused and demanded Fasha to tell him where she had taken Ruby, only to learn that she was being held in her space pod. After that, Oren and Piccolo started their battle with the Saiyan woman. Both fighters seemed to be fighting a losing battle, until Piccolo came up with an idea. Over the last few months, Piccolo had been perfecting a new attack, and now it was time to put it to good use. However, Oren had to keep Fasha occupied for five minutes! During this time, Ruby broke out of her round prison, and displayed a power not seen by anyone! Her eyes glowed with a silver hue, and managed to ram herself into Fasha! Then Piccolo managed to fire his attack, but Fasha dodged and got her tail removed. Afterwards, Oren's friends showed up, and Fasha delivered more shocking news. As it turns out, Oren has an older brother! And he and another Saiyan are on their way to Remnant. Knowing that they have a new threat to deal with, Kami took a now deceased Oren to be trained by a powerful being in Otherworld. How will our hero fare in the land of the dead?

(Play 1:02)

The Million Mile Long Snake Way!


The Otherworld was unlike anything Oren had ever seen. The sky was light purple, and there were yellow clouds similar to that of his flying nimbus. Though unlike him, the other souls around him were small white clouds. It seemed as though Kami allowed him to keep his mortal form. Then; both Oren and Kami entered a large building that looked as though it were a palace. Inside, there was a large desk, big enough to be a small building! On said desk, there were pen's, pencils, a clip board, and a telephone. And sitting behind the desk was a large bearded man with bright red skin wearing a purple business suit sitting behind it. The large man also wore a cap on his head with two horns protruding from either side. On the man's desk was a small name tag, on it read "King Yemma". While Oren was looking around in amazement, Kami was trying to convince King Yemma to let Oren visit King Kai.

"So that is why I brought him here, in his mortal form to receive training. Does he have your permission to see King Kai?" Kami asked.

King Yemma took out a file with Oren's name on it, and flipped through the pages.

"Hmm, you have a lot of achievements under your belt Son Oren. It appears that your good deeds have earned you a place in heaven. Though what Kami has told me, it seems that he want's you to traverse Snake way to meet King Kai." King Yemma said.

Oren then turned and whispered to Kami.

"So, do dead people come through here?" Oren asked.

"Yes, they do." Kami replied.

"Even, aliens?" Oren said.

"You're standing here aren't you? Yes, all creatures pass through here after they die." Kami responded.

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