Chapter ten

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(Art by @_rosesoul_ on Twitter)

Saturday 14th of September.

It was just me and Toby awake, I decided to go out for a Starbucks run and he wanted coffee it was a win win. "When are people coming?" Toby questioned "around five, maybe six-ish" I told him taking our drinks from the server and driving off.

"How was your sleep" I asked "it was good the guest bedroom is superior" he laughed. We were both still in our pj's, take it as you will it was comfortable. I decided on getting a few last minute supply's for Wilburs small party Tommy wanted to throw.

Parking the car and we walked inside, I figured Tommy and Jack would've wanted something so they were both going to deal with an iced coffee.

I showered and changed into grey sweats, because I planned on getting properly dressed later.


"I'm going out to get a few things, anyone coming?" Ironically they all said "ME" at the same time, Tommy wildly smirking "I CALL SHOTGUN" Toby and Jack sighed in defeat.

Personally I was looking for a few more snacks and things to lay out food-wise and more alcohol. I didn't drink all the time just a little at parties..and when I feel like I want it.

I had a cheesy cake made for Wilbur, one of those ones that said "Happy birthday we love you Will", we were making fun of them the other day so why not go the extra mile and get him one. Obviously as Tommy had wanted to do this for him in the first place he was giving him the cake and being the host as he calls it.

"Do you guys wanna pick out like food, sweets and shit for Will?" I asked, the three boys bolted down an isle and went out of sight. I bought balloons, banners and party whistles.

The boys ran back with a trolly full of food and sweets, I laughed and payed for it, we spent a little more than intended but who caresss.

"Hey Will" Tommy said letting us know who was on the phone "alright, Y/n how much longer will we be?" He asked "around half an hour?" I suggested and he ended the call with will "he said he'll be here soon" Wilbur didn't have a clue about what was happening all he knew is that they planned on treating him to dinner.

We left the store and I went to the bakery on the way out, "why are we here?" Tommy asked "Because I got him a cake" I laughed leaving the car to retrieve the cake.

We hid the few presents, banners and sweets ect not long after Wilbur arrived, Tommy, Will, Jack, Phil and Toby had dinner reservations to celebrate his birthday so I planned to set up and for people to come when they left.

"Have fun! And happy birthday will!" I shouted towards the packed car, "Have a shit time at home you borebag" Will called out as I refused to come along. I laughed and shut the door and they drove off.

Making sure they were out of sight I placed balloons, banners, party poppers, I poured myself a glass of wine feeling fancy. The table was covered in different sweets, crisps and I set up chicken wings by the oven to be cooked.

Niki and fundy well Florence arrived with Wilburs band mates shortly after and seen as people were arriving I took it upon myself to go get changed. Niki helped me with my hair while I did makeup.

I never wore much so it was just the basics.

There was roughly ten? people from what I could hear, basking in the silence to listen.

Niki left so I could change in to a short-cut, slightly revealing red dress. 

Walking downstairs there was a few people I didn't know but Niki told me they were a few of Wilburs friends from high school, I noticed Ponk and Eret talking and decided to greet them.

Having a quick chat I saw the boys pull up.

Lights went off, music stopped, silence, the boys walked in and Toby was more scared by the surprised than Wilbur was...and Toby knew.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Was yelled through the house while a hat and jacket was handed to Wilbur. He smiled and laughed at the praise and love given to him through the room. People were blowing their party horns and party poppers filled the atmosphere.

Not too long after music began blaring through our living room speakers, lights flashed and chatter was spread through the room. I hadn't told George I was using his place as a venue for Wilbur's party so he's gonna be pissed-.

I was mid chat before a certain blonde child interrupted, "Y/n my frienddd" Tommy said putting his arm around my shoulder and smiling too much to not be up to something "what are you wanting Tom" I replied giving him a 'not buying it' expression "I am a responsible young man, And I believe that I deserve to have so-" I knew it was coming "your not having any sort or form of alcoholic drink" I rolled my eyes sarcastically and walked away.

"Heyy happy birthday!" I said hugging Will "your present is in my room come on" I dragged him by his hand to my room and pulled the gift from under my desk. He sat on the desk chair while I sat on my bed. I began recording as he pulled out his gift from the box. It was a ukulele he had been wanting for at least a few weeks. He just never saw the point in buying it as it was quite expensive. I also had a bag of gummy bears stashed inside the bag but that didn't matter much.

He smiled big and ran over to hug me, "Thank you" I posted the video with no volume to not alert George to my Instagram story. Any sort of irl post fans went mad which I loved.

We got back to the party having fun as a group.

The cake was brought out. And I watched a few people drink a little too much, Jack was practically falling around the place..lightweight.


Wilburs band mates left not too long ago, they were all nice fellas, I spent some of my time chatting with Joe, he's quiet the comedian if I do say so.

Jack was passed out on the sofa, Tommy was trying to snag snacks to bring to one of the the guest rooms, Toby had gone to bed five minutes ago and Wilbur and Phil were crashing in the other guest room.

And soon after I went to sleep myself.

George's pov
We were sat on A sofa or well couch watching some movie Alex chose to put on. Clay had fell asleep resting his head on my shoulder, I played with his hair slightly before I could realise Nick was taking a picture.

"Don't post that" I said tiredly "I won't I wont, I'm just sending it to The better notfound" He smiled at his phone sending the picture "I swear your in love with her or something" Karl butted in.

"And if he was I wouldn't be afraid to punt him down the stairs" I smiled sarcastically at the blushing Nick.  "You couldn't hurt a fly George", "Not my fault in colourblind".

"When do you leave George?" Alex asked ignoring the movie, smirking mischievously
"Like in a week why?" He giggled like normal and pulled out his phone, "how about we all hitch a ride with George to England" He questioned as I turned to Look at Nick and Karl "I'm down, yeah I'm free", "I could use a trip to the uk" They said and the plan was in action.

"Omg omg omg omg.. WE WOULD MEET Y/N" Karl squealed, as I shhhed him pointing at Clay. I then rolled my eyes saying.

"All we have to do is convince Clay"

*a few hours later"

"Absolutely not you guys can go but I'm staying"  Clay said "Why notttttttttt" Karl whined "who would take care of patches, what if I got recognised? , what if I got robbed while I was gone" he concluded "You could have your mom take care of patches, you'll have your mask and I don't think you'll get robbed"

"What will Y/n think? She doesn't want us to know what she looks like either", "she's just scared and will get over it please Clay" George begged and begged until his almost, sorta boyfriend caved.

"Fine, I'll come with you guys..on one condition, I get a window seat.."
Tommy deserves better,

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