Chapter thirty - five

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Saturday March 27th
"Y/N" Jack yelled from our kitchen like a father waking a child up for school. I groaned checking the time,


I had wanted to wake up an hour ago but a night spent playing games with your boyfriend and friends doesn't help.

Tommy had planned a video using a lie detector test and we were supposed to be there at two meaning we should leave fairly soon.

I rushed to my shower using my new apple scented body lotion, washing my hair and brushing my teeth. I huffed flicking through clothes in my wardrobe. Stopping on Nicks grey torn Texas shirt. The holes came from a very careless cat. Nonetheless it looked as if it were apart of the design in the first place.

I threw it on along with some blue ripped jeans and braided my hair to let it Air-dry.

"I made you food" Jack pointed to the perfectly presented scrambled eggs. He was washing up his own dishes then leaving to find shoes.

I quickly choked down the food or as much of it as I could've before leaving to find my own shoes. My vans weren't the only shoes I owned, but they were the most comfortable.

"Y/n, your phone" Jack handed me the phone before we left knowing I would most likely have forgotten it. 

"What time do you leave on Monday because I could drive you to the airport?" He offered which was convenient actually. "My plane leaves at four so I'd need to be there around two?" He nodded while I thanked him "oh and we've to get George on the way" I told him "oh I have already planned on picking up gogy" He laughed at his own voice, it was nice hearing him laugh.

"So what is this video anyways? Tommy didn't tell me much" I asked Jack "He's doing a lie detector, we're asking the questions" He said "ohh, this is going to be fun".

I knew we wouldn't get to ask him many questions between the four of us so I only decided on a few questions. I know Wilbur, Toby, Jack and Tommy obviously would be there so I can only imagine how chaotic it'll be, regardless it'll be interesting.

"Jesus jack, don't crash the car" He swerved over a paper bag. "I thought it was a pigeon" his voice cracked, he began to ramble on about how he wanted to call the pigeon Derek. "Who's texting you?" He asked trying not to glance at my phone.

"It's just Techno he wants to meet up when I get to Florida" Jack hummed in response then continuing to bop his head to the music, some trashy roadman style music. "You and Techno are close then?" I stared at him confused "Yeah, how'd you only come to this conclusion" I laughed.

"I thought yous just streamed like group games with twenty-odd people" He said while I shook my head "We talk more off stream then we do on stream, he's such a genuine guy" jack snickered at that while I punched his arm lightly "whattt"

"Over all the sarcasm he's genuine?" I nodded while he continued to laugh.


"TOBY" I shouted through the echoey hall hugging the smaller male, "Y/n ! How are you?" He asked "I'm alright, you?" I smiled at him "Yeah I'm good excited for today" He smirked rereading a notes document with a few questions.

"Tommy even said we could have a turn after" He laughed "what do you mean?" I asked "One of us will get hooked up and the four other people can ask then a question" he told me which sounded even more chaotic "It'll be off camera though" Now i had to think of questions for the others.

We all got comfortable while Tommy was getting set up, he looked worried. Extremely worried, but it was his idea so I was excited.

The recording started with Tommy's intro "I  don't lie" Then straight to stand up was Wilbur, Tommy nervously took a breath before saying "ayup will.." We all laughed it off knowing this would be funny, "Have you ever apologised on stream and not meant it?" Ooo's we're whispered through the white boxed room. Tommy looked confused but answered "No"

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