Chapter fourty - seven

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29th of April.

It had been a few days and all she had wanted was to wake up. It felt like this never ending dream. This dream was her nightmare. She wanted to see them, not her subconscious's perception of them.

"Should we play Uno?" Technoblade's obviously deep voice said. She heard them. "Are you being funny?" George stated. His colourblindness disadvantaging him. "You can team up with Dream" the four boys were sat in a circle on the floor, not being enough chairs for all of them.

The game was filled with laughter. Nicks laughter, something she hadn't her in over a year. To her, it was the limerence she felt towards him that brought her back. Her pupils dilated adjusting to the light. She watched them, they didn't notice her. She felt happy watching. She was going to continue to watch the world from now on and not take her position on this earth for granted.

She knows how easily taken away it can be. And how it is the devastating realities. for some people and their families. She cried Y/n was crying. She was so happy. So fucking happy.

Your POV
I watched nick from the back as he ruffled his hair. Scanning every part of him. Wondering had he moved on wasn't an option, his ring was still placed on the same finger. Mine wasn't, it had been disregarded and stolen like my dad had done with many of my possessions.

Clays face dropped making little eye contact with me, glancing back to see if it was real. "Pinch me George" George was confused looking at him. Following his gaze to meet my eyes. George was crying now too. Unable to move. That surreal moment when your emotionally paralysed. Technoblade noticed and made his way to his feet fast a hand over his mouth.

Nick laughed to himself, "Fuck you george" he said so confidently placed a pick up four "colour's red, and I'm on my last card dickheads". He noticed George's face when he wasn't picking up. "I'm sorry..your not actually a dickhead.." he said. Not understanding. At. All.

"Y/n" George echoed the only thing heard being the five different breathing patterns in the small scale hospital room.. Nick turned to face me, my eyes locking on his, still having not said a word. His grasp on me hadn't ever left I was worried maybe his had. His entangling eyes pierced through mine. We tried forcing out words yet nothing but a whisper "Hi.." He said. "Hello.." I said back matching his unsteady breathing. I breathed heavily. This moment filled with so much love and so much hesitation I couldn't comprehend what was going on.

Nobody moved.

Scared this was a dream. A fever dream. Scared this memory was going to be remembered by a cold sweat, heavy breaths and shooting up from the same bed they had the night before. And the one after that.

They looked at me as if I was going to break. Like glass and a hammer, if forced upon too hard a million pieces would scatter everywhere. Nobody wanted to take the chance. They're they were. The four of them. In front of me. I attempted to move. To show them I wasn't glass. Sweaty tears rolled through my face followed with a wince. I lifted the hospital gown and noticed, remembered what happened.  The belt over my stomach. The bruises and cuts throughout my body. The marks that would leave permanent scars.

I was alive. I was still alive.

The daunting memories faded back as I remember the traumatic events that went on. I was free. "Don't move" George whispered through his tears and fear.

Nick finally stood, towering over me. Having not much chance to declare anything he rushed to find a doctor. Fading down the narrow hallways I heard "SHES AWAKE.. SOMEONE PLEASE SHES AWAKE"

Clay moved to beside me, he held my hand reassuring me it was all going to be ok, He kissed my forehead and hugged me gently. I was fucking free. Technoblade reached my side crying into my neck slowly moving clay for him to say something. Anything. He cried. "I missed you Y/n. I missed you. I really did" He mourned the death of his close friend he himself belived she had passed but never let anyone say or believe it and emotionally finding her again was confusing.

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