Chapter fourty - one

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15th of April

I wanted to write more, To Ranboo, Karl and Q, Jack, Will and Tommy. Letters telling them all I didn't have the courage or time to tell them.

My phone buzzed twice, and my tear spilled down the screen.

Paul Davidson.
Bring money too more money than I originally asked, I'm not over that. Also no police involved, I still know where 'your friends' live. Wouldn't want to visit Tommy.

Was the first message, I knew my dad was pure evil. I watched him every time he tried breaking the bathroom door open, the times he brought his just as sick minded friends over and all the verbal abuse I endured during his care.

I thought if anything he'd be happy to leave me alone, I wasn't his 'burden' anymore. He apparently had other plans. I didn't know if I would make it this time, I barely made it last time.

He was gonna use me for the money I had until I didn't have any. What would he do then? Sell me? Murder me?.

I packed my travel bag because I doubt I was going to be able to keep anything I took, all I brought in my bag were small things, my purse, phone, water and I had a few Polaroid photos just memories.

There was a plane leaving in two hours I was testing my chances of getting a flight. Back to England. I had a life, a roommate, a family, the best fiancé anyone could ask for, I had a community. All to be lost at the hands of my father.

Luckily you can get ubers at this time I watched the black bulky car pull up out front and knew this was my ending. "I love you" I whispered to the sleeping beauty, kissing his forehead leaving this all in the dust.

"Can I put on music?" The driver asked and I nodded, tears silently fell from my cheeks. As I watched the night sky be torn from its reign as the sun took over. Five am was a pretty look for Florida.

Nobody's POV.

By the time any of the three boys would wake up y/n would have gone. Her flight almost landing, they wouldn't find the letters for a while either. Like her father said "no police involved" until she knew Tommy, Toby and Jack were safe, she would abide to her fathers rules.

Why them?? Why two children and her roommate she thought.

Hours of broken stories and untold truths lay in the bed of Y/n Davidson. Her brother in the second room unknown to him his sister was returning to the abuse-full world she once crumbled in. Her considerably brother like friend Clay lay scrolling through Twitter hugging the other sleeping Davidson his heart whole. His life peaceful. Falling in and out of sleep.

Sapnap slept sprawled across his king sized bed having no clue what was happening. Although the clock ticked to 1pm over time as the beginning to an ending happened, a streamers sleep schedule played into Paul Davidsons favour he had plenty of time to harass his daughter as she willingly let him kidnap her. All under sapnaps nose.

But eventually planes land and tired boys wake up. Reality sets in like the moon Corrupts the sun.

Like icarus did, Y/n flew too close to the was only normal for her wings to melt. That day was today.

Sapnap woke to the note on his beside table, not the letter. But a simple note to buy Y/n sometime. "Hey Nick, I've gone to meet techno hes in town I didn't know when you would wake up. I love you so, so much babe, goodmorning. <3" was all her note read.

It was sad really. The last good morning Nick was getting from his fiancé. They had planned on staying in a hotel tonight, to be fancy and head to Disney land in the morning.

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