And it's a lottery I can't wait to draw your name.

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I closed my laptop and headed downstairs shouting 'I'm coming, mom' to the woman standing in front of the kitchen's counter, arms crossed on her tiny chest.

"Yeah?" I asked frowning. She pointed at the sink where dirty dished where randomly placed. I sighed and prepared for what was coming.

"Jack, how many times do I have to tell you to do the dishes after we finish having lunch?" I rolled my eyes, as always, and nodded continuously as she kept talking. "Your dad works long hours every single day of the year just to feed all of us and to give us what we need, he even works extra hours for us, Jack. You know he doesn't earn much, neither do I so please, just do what we ask you to do and everything will be fine. I wish I could work extra hours at the Dawson' but they only want me to take care of their kid at night because they both work at the same time and you know it. Don't you understand that? Seriously Jack, you'll be 18 soon, you can't lock yourself in your room and come down to eat, this is not a restaurant. And I think you should call your sister sometime 'this year'-she pointed out- her college isn't even that far away from here, you could visit her too" She explained.

I got used to listen the same speech every single day over and over again so I just ignored her and did whatever she wanted me to do. Same shit, different days. 

"Jack, are you listening to me?" She asked noticing me staring at the sink. I turned my gaze to her and nodded. 

"Good. Your father and I are leaving now, we'll be back at 8. Do not touch your laptop, I don't want you to talk to strangers, you can watch TV downstairs or whatever. Do I make myself clear?" She asked as I made my way to the sink.

"Yeah" I simply added as an answer. She left the kitchen and I heard my dad scream 'bye Jack' before they walked out the door.

I leaned my back against the cold counter and looked at the dirty dishes one more time. I thought I could do them later so I went back to my room and opened my laptop. Laying down on my bed, a message on Skype popped up saying that I had a friend request. I had totally forgotten about the guy I met on Omegle, the one who insisted on having my Skype name.

I then realized that I didn’t know anything about the guy apart from the bands we both liked. He could be like 50 year old man or something so I hesitated before kicking the ‘accept’ button. He got online a few seconds after and started talking to me.

I looked at the information he gave about himself, which was none, and looked over at his Skype picture hoping I could catch the boy’s appearance but he had put a picture of Tom DeLonge instead.

What if he’s a pedophile and just wants to know where I live so he can come over here and rape me? What if he forces me to show up on a video call and get naked? What if we show up on a video call and he records me and sell it out somewhere on the internet? What if he’s a 10 year old and I’m getting the shit scared of him? But wait. What if he really is a fan of those bands we like and he wants to just talk to someone who likes them too? What if we start talking to each other and fall in love and meet up somewhere because I don’t know where he is from, cuddle all day long and he asks me to be his boyfriend and move somewhere so we can be together and spend every single day together? Jack, you’re not even sure if he’s gay or not shut the fuck up and reply to his messages already.

My mind somehow stopped thinking as I locked my eyes on the screen, showing that he changed to a mobile device. The time read 3:45PM, the message said “Hey there”. He messaged me again as I kept thinking about stupid, pointless things. It said “You there? :/”

The beach -Jalex-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora