Where do we go from the end? 2/2

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Nearly every person on the train started shouting and crying, panicking over the situation. 

Matt, Cass and Danny didn't dare move from their seats. Cass and Danny were holding their hands together really tightly, that tight where it came to a point where their knuckles were painted in white. Matt was just staring at me, waiting for the answer of what I saw.

"The train just derailed" It came out as a whisper, barely audible to my own ears.

All of them gasped and looked at each other in horror.

"What does that mean?!" Cass squealed over Danny's shoulder.

"That we're going to crash into something? I don't know" I shrugged and slowly sat down looking through the window as the train gained speed, probably going faster than it should have. 

"How can you be so calm?! Have you considered that we could die right here, right now!?" It was Danny's turn now.

Their eyes were watery, and I asked myself if I really cared about it all. Dying wasn't my priority in life, I didn't believe in heaven nor in God, but something deep inside my skull told me that if this really needed to happen, it would happen; and if it didn't we'd manage to keep ourselves alive but this was the moment of horror and it didn't seem that we were anywhere near to living.

Danny and Cass kept hugging each other as yelling and crying clouded the atmosphere.

Eveyone was crying and shouting, praying to God to help us get out of that moving hell, or just having panic attacks and shaking horribly.

I even heard a young woman shout 'WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE' which was probably true, but she was scaring all the kids that were trying to keep calm on their seats, and it made my blook boil and my heart beat rise its speed.

We really were fucked.

The train started swaying heavily, unintentionally moving our luggage across the narrow corridor. We were forced to bring out hands to cover our ears when the rails started squealing really loudly and the train kept gaining speed.

I couldn't stop thinking that the train should have slowed down, it was driving at least 220km/h and I utterly believed that my life was coming to an end and I wasn't allowing myself to either cry or panic over it, so I did what I did best; I sat on my seat, put my ear buds in and played Blink 182 as loud as possible to numb the feeling deep down in my chest and the buzz and squeal the train was producing.

It amazed me how calm I was.

It is true what they say, music is always there when no one else is. They also say music saves lives, but this was not that case. The sound of Mark and Adam's voices along with the guitar riffs and drumm beats ceased the pain my heart was suffering every time I needed it.

I once heard someone say that music was overrated and people didn't really need it to anything, that happened to be one of my best friends. I kept my mouth shut but really thought that it was an idiotic statement.

Some artist's voices and words save lives, and music is some people's only way to escape this fucked up reality.

In that moment, I just sat there looking at the catastrophe happening in front of my eyes. A thick layer of toxic smoke filled the air, but I could still recognize some faces I had seen previously. The baby that was playing with her mum's nose was now crying and kicking his tiny feet into the nasty air while her mum tried to hold back her tears and rock her back and forth to try to calm her.

The grandma that was sat unhappily around her family was now lying on the floor with a bunch of people around her, some of them holding her and crying, and some others trying to find something to cover her mouth so she wouldn't inhale the smoke; but it was too late, she was unconscious.

The beach -Jalex-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora