Yes, it is painful.

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I was furious. Beyond furious, I was fuming and I felt like my head was going to explode any second. Betrayed, like when your partner of years cheats on you, untrustworthy, unworthy.

I often wondered to myself if I was that bad of a person. We all make mistakes in life, whether they take us to a good or horrible path in the long run, but some people take things too far, like violence, resentment, vendetta. I had never considered myself a bad person after all, because I hadn't had done anything to deserve such tag. I would see myself as a bad son when my parents yelled at me for disobeying them, not doing something they told me to do, but it was my fault, so I could afford to blame myself for it.

I would have never had thought that someone I don't know, someone I haven't met before, would do such thing as ban his soon from communicating with me. I completely understood that the accident wouldn't have happened if Alex and I hadn't met online, but I was slowly getting over it, the other boy had tried to convince me that it wasn't my fault, he claimed it was fate playing around with us, testing us to really see if we belonged together, and I was slowly falling for what he was saying.

If this is what fate is doing to us, why is a man who does't even know me making me feel so degraded and unworthy? I wouldn't know, because I sure wasn't going to speak to him ever again. Not because I was scared of him, but because he had tried to separate his son and I from being in a relationship. And let me tell you something, parents can't do that. You are free to love whoever you want to love, whether they are a girl, a guy, a transgender person or someone who is miles away from you.

What hurt the most was the lying. The lying, making me believe Alex was even more hurt than I originally thought, making me believe I had caused that, that I had hurt Alex, the one and only person that mattered the most to me and the one I would never hurt intentionally.

I was beyond furious, and right then and there, I lost all the respect I had towards Alex's parents.

Alex had muted his microphone as soon as he said his dad was home and that he was going to talk to him. I found that weird, because I know how Alex is, he would let me listen to them argue about anything and everything, but he hadn't that time.

The minute I went silent, with no one to talk to, my mum came into my room and sat next to me by my bed.

"Are you talking to Alex?" She asked and looked at the screen, where it showed part of Alex's room. I nodded, but told her he had walked away for a second to talk to his father, so I took a long breath and asked my mum is she knew that Alex hadn't injured his legs, because he had showed me and assured me that him, and them were perfectly fine. She gaped at me for a second.

"No, Jack! That's what Peter told me, I promise. I would never do that to you and you know that. Is he really okay?" I nodded once.

"How could his parents do something like this to him- to you two?" She shook her head and sighed.

"They are horrible. I don't ever want to see them" I confessed, and my mum sighed making an understanding sound.

Alex came back a few minutes later as mum rubbed my back and we sat there in a comfortable silence. I thought that she would've left already, and my body set on panic when I realised my mum was on the screen with me, and so was Alex, and they had never met before.

"You must be the Alex Jack can't stop talking about" My mum said, and I buried my face in my hands in embarrassment.

"I hope I am" He laughed awkwardly. I could tell he was nervous about something, I just really wanted him to tell me what happened with his father.

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