It's not easy making a name for yourself.

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"Mooooooooooooooooooooorning" I greeted Jack shouting at my laptop.

It was a little over 10:30PM when I woke up from a peaceful sleep in order to get Jack up. We decided that we'd wake each other up depending on who woke up first in the morning. It was usually Jack who woke up first though, knowing that he had to do all his chores and everything.

But today was different, a good kind of different.

I placed my laptop on my bed and laid down on my stomach. It was pretty hard and my elbows hurt because I was holding all my weight on them but I guess it was worth it.

At first, I could only see his clean floor of his bedroom. He always placed his laptop on the floor; who doesn't?


The thing is that we mostly talked at night -if not all day long- and it was useless to turn our laptops off for a few hours and then on again to talk in the morning so we thought about it and came to a conclusion; we could basically sleep by each other's side if our computers remained on.

So we did that.

We turned to our sides in bed, placed out computers in front of us and practically fell asleep talking and looking at each other's figure.

And I found it pleasant really, knowing that someone out there cared about me that much to spend their night talking to me instead of drifting to sleep.


The image started changing so I figured that Jack had finally woken up and picked his laptop off the ground.

And damn, I was only starting to really like guys but morning-Jack was the cutest thing I had ever seen, not even Luna had ever looked that cute.

His hair was sticking up in every direction; he tried to fix it with his fingernails for a second as soon as he realized that but there was no point on trying. His eyes were puffed, probably because of the lack of sleep we were both suffering -note to self, start to go early to sleep and let the poor guy get the hours of sleep he really needs- it's not like I didn't need them but I was used to stay up all night and sleep in the morning until my dad got really pissy at me.

His eyes were half closed still. He rubbed them and smiled at the camera for a second.

"Hey" He said with his god damn sexy morning voice. I didn't know what or why, but it made my stomach feel weird and funny.

He crossed his legs and sat down in bed with his laptop on his lap, just like he always did.

"You know what" He started saying, I nodded for him to continue. "We never talk about school or our parents or friends" He shrugged and laid his head on the bed's headboard. 

"Uh, I don't know. My grades aren't that good; I usually fail everything except English and Music. My parents aren't the best one out there either. My dad tries to find an excuse to yell at me and my mom is great. I have a group of friends that I hang out with, they're nice and everything but I don't really trust them or let them in. I think we're all going on vacation somewhere soon" I said.

I had nearly forgotten that my friends and I are going on a trip around the UK soon.

I hadn't had paid attention to any of their messages really; I was way too caught up with this boy to have time to talk to them.

I checked my phone one last time and sent a message to our group leader -you could call him that- Matt asking him if we were going out of the UK.

The beach -Jalex-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora