nice to meet you

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You lit a candle, placing it carefully on the bedside table, settling into a chair. His clothes were being repaired, the blood had been washed off, his wound had been healed (you were pretty proud of that, considering the last healing magic you did was to fix a paper cut) and now all you had to do was to watch him and make sure he didn't wake up alone and confused.

Well, if you were going to be honest, you were the one who was confused.

How in the hell had you killed that giant swarm of pillagers? Sure, you were a witch, but one who had spent years killing nothing but livestock and maybe a few mobs here and there. Nothing larger than maybe a skeleton though, not like the dragons and elder guardians people always gossiped over. And definitely not at least a hundred pillagers all at once.

"I killed them all..." you whispered to yourself, still in awe. Taking a quick look at your staff, which was mounted against the wall, you recalled the feeling of holding it again, masses of energy being pushed out by you, the power pulsing through your veins like a drug. It was addicting.


You jumped, instinctively shrinking back from the bed, watching with wide eyes as he slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Pink hair cascaded down his shoulders, and you eyed it jealously, envious of how nice it looked.

Get it together, he's probably a bit out of it!

Coughing awkwardly, you smiled, shrinking even further back when his eyes glowered at you, one red and one pitch black, but both fixed onto you. He touched his arm gingerly, raising an eyebrow when he realised there was no wound, looking questioningly at you as if to ask if you had fixed it.

Which you had, of course.

Nodding, you sighed in relief as he flopped back down onto the bed, relaxing. "Didn't know there was a witch around here."

You screamed internally, clenching your jaw to prevent yourself from grabbing your staff and whacking him so hard on the head that he forgot absolutely everything-about you, your magic, the whole pillager situation...but you decided against it, leaning back into your chair. "I don't like to be seen. Or heard. Or known of at all, really."

"A strong witch," he muttered, completely ignoring what you had said. "I couldn't have killed them on my own. But you did."

"You're a human," you responded, hands just itching to wipe his memory or something.

But his sword glinted at you from under the candlelight from where you had placed it, the wear and tear on the handle showing that this guy knew how to fight. Better than you did.

"No normal witch can do that anyway." He sat up again, gazing curiously at you. "So what are you?"

"And I'm Y/N, nice to meet you too." Giving him a fake smile, you responded as cheerily as you could, eye twitching a little.


You paused. Even though you lived alone, every so often, you would go to the closest village-which was still a few hours away-and buy some supplies for the winter, disguised as some random traveller. And each time you went, there was a new story about Technoblade, the fearsome warrior who won every fight, effortlessly strong and-

"YOU'RE TECHNOBLADE?" you cried out, eyes wide.

He let out a low chuckle, nodding. "The Technoblade, yes. The blood god, who somehow still needed you to save him."

"Look, you've got the wrong idea," you started, desperate to explain yourself. "I've lived alone for years-actually my 200th today-and I've never actually killed anything more than like, sheep or skeletons, ok? So I'm not strong, it was probably the adrenaline, so you can forget all about me-"

"You say 200 years?"

You nodded.

"200 years of killing animals and mobs...200 years of experience points from everything you've all adds up, you know? You must be on a ridiculously high level at this point."

Staring at your own shaking hands, you frowned, trying to process it all. Now that you thought about it, magic had gotten easier over 200 years, everything working better than before-but you had put that down to getting used to stuff over time, rather than getting stronger.

And now it was going to be so much more difficult to hide away.

(A/N-i really hope this makes sense...pls ask if you're not sure <3)

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