finally home

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You held Techno's cloak closer to your body, letting the fluffiness soothe you a little, being jostled around in his arms as he sprinted somewhere, sword bouncing against his leg. He turned a corner, and you assumed he was outside, the fresh air hitting you, refreshing after days of just breathing in damp, musty air in the tower.

"TECHNO! Y/N!" someone called out, and you looked up, seeing Tommy looking towards both of you, bow in his hands. You had to resist the urge to jump out of Techno's arms to run and hug everyone, instead letting Techno gently place you down away from the battle, leaning against a tree.

You looked over the scene. Phil and Wilbur were doing a good job holding up the guards, some bodies (dead or unconscious, you didn't know) lying on the floor, sometimes being trampled. Many were actually fleeing, running into the woods like cowards. Tommy remained at a distance, shooting constantly at the guards, his aim practically perfect. Noticing a distinct lack of green, you scanned over again, frowning when you saw Dream, George and Sapnap slightly away from all of the mess, watching over the fight like spectators. Dream made direct eye contact with you, and even with his mask on, you could just see the smirk on his face underneath.

"Come down here and pay for what you've done," Techno called out, unsheathing his sword, his hair flowing in the wind. A guard came to attack, and he kicked him away, tutting and acting like it was a mere inconvenience. "Or what, are you too chicken?"

There was a cry of pain, and you jumped, seeing the final guard crash to the floor, his arm snapping into a weird angle, whimpering on the floor. Wilbur pushed him out of the way, coming to join Techno's side, Phil following soon after.

Tommy, however, crept over to where you were, holding something out. "Phil told me not to bring this, but I don't listen to rules."

You staff lay in his hands, and you took it gratefully, smiling when it glowed, happy to see you back. You weren't sure if you could really do anything with it, too weak to heal yourself properly, but you propped yourself onto your feet with it, feeling determined. It made you feel safer, if anything.

Dream laughed, lowering himself down from the platform he was on, bringing out his sword, George and Sapnap mirroring his actions. "Four against three-not really fair, is it?"

"Threatened by a child, are you, dickhead?" Tommy yelled out, pointing his bow at Dream, firing off an arrow that landed at his feet, skimming the edge of his shoes. He plucked it from the ground, chucking it away, acting like he was definitely threatened by a child. You let out a small laugh, shaking your head.

Dream was going down.

"I'm going to defeat you, Dream." Techno stood tall, his sword pointed at Dream, an invitation to battle. "And you're going to regret ever hurting Y/N."

Dream didn't respond, just shaking his head, before charging forward without warning, his sword clashing against Techno's, pushing hard, trying to knock him to the floor. Techno pushed back even harder, smirking when Dream fell back, feet skidding against the ground. Jumping back, Dream took off his mask, throwing it to the ground carelessly, his scarred face on full display, twisted into an angry snarl, his eye twitching as he readied his sword again. Reacting immediately, Techno dodged his blow, slipping under his arm to slash at his chest, ripping through the fabric and barely scraping the skin, before Dream kicked at him, a dull blow against his leg, making him falter in his movements. They both leapt back, panting.

You looked away for a second, expecting Phil and Wilbur to be fighting George and Sapnap, but they were also watching the fight, completely riveted.

George and Sapnap probably hadn't been told to fight.

This battle was between Techno and Dream, and them only. They clashed again, Dream narrowly dodging a sword swipe, taking the opportunity to bring his sword down, the flat side of it thumping against Techno's ribs, thankfully not slicing anything. You winced, frowning when Techno stumbled back, his grip on his sword loosening a little.

That wasn't good.

Still, he carried on fighting, managing to slash at Dream's arm, some blood splattering onto the floor, and he wiped the sweat off his brow, grinning. "Not so tough now, huh?"

"Don't get cocky, blood god," Dream spat back, lifting his sword high above his head. Raising an eyebrow, you held onto your staff tightly, confused as to why Dream, a skilled fighter, would charge so recklessly like that. Techno was already positioned to block his movement, eyes narrowed, when he grunted in shock, falling onto the floor.

Sapnap held a bloodied sword by his side, high fiving Dream before falling back, sneering when he made eye contact with you.

Full of pride, Dream leant over Techno ominously, sword held above his neck precariously, ready to fall at any moment. You couldn't let that happen.

Phil and Wilbur ran forward, charging at Sapnap, knocking the bloodied sword out of his hands, kicking him to the ground soon after, but Techno was still on the floor, unable to move or fight back.

He had saved you, so it was your turn to save him again.

Forcing your weak legs to move, you ran as fast as you could to where they were, swaying on your feet as you placed the tip of your staff onto the ground, taking a deep breath. The magic didn't flow as easily as it usually would, but you forced it out, sweat collecting on your brow from the effort. You heard voices call out to you, but they sounded muffled, blocked out by your mind as you focused as hard as you could, praying that you would be fast enough to save him.


Gusts of wind blew out from where you were standing, whipping around and smacking against Dream's body, knocking him off his feet, up into the air before smashing back into the ground. He yelped in pain, head turning from side to side.

George and Sapnap were the same, slumped over on the floor, presumably unconscious.

Usually, this magic would completely reduce the person to dust, but due to your weak state, it seemed to have only partially worked, only sections of their bodies dissolved into dust, the rest remaining whole and disgusting to look at, stumps reaching out desperately as they tried to shuffle away.

You fell down on your knees, completely exhausted, but you forced yourself to stay awake, watching as Techno slowly got to his feet. He smiled at you. "May I do the honours?"

"Of course," you answered.

Bowing, he placed his sword against Dream's neck, laughing when he whimpered pathetically. "Maybe you shouldn't have been a dictator, Dream, and you might've had a nice life. Goodbye." It was quick, the sword slicing through his neck like butter, the rest of his body fading into dust, being picked up by the wind soon after.

Techno ran to your side, arms gently supporting you so you didn't keel over, smiling softly down at you, his eyes on your lips. You smiled back, hand reaching up to hold his face, wiping away some grime that got on it.

"Y/N, I-"

"Get on with it!" Tommy called out, clapping his hands.

Techno rolled his eyes, before leaning in, locking his lips with yours, gentle and pushing himself closer as time went on, wrapping his arms tightly around you, pulling back for a second to gaze at you, and then immediately kissing you again, this time more passionate.

Tommy and Wilbur whooped in the background, and you blushed, trying to hold back a giddy smile.

"You do not know how long I've wanted to do that, Y/N," Techno breathed out, voice low.

"The-the feeling's mutual."

"Alright lovebirds, let's get home, shall we?" Phil asked, stretching his arms. "Or do you wanna stay on the floor forever?"

Laughing, you let yourself be helped up, holding Techno's arm close to you, feeling warm inside as everyone joked around, clapping your hands at something silly Tommy said.

You were finally home.

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