the dream smp

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Dream ripped his plan off the wall, the one he had written to get that witch on his side. It was simple, storm into to cottage, make them join his team, make it sound like Technoblade had caused everything, which would make them want to join and boom, he had a witch on his side.

But that stupid blood god just had to get in the way, didn't he? And his stupid family.

There was a knock at the door, and he settled back down into his chair, ripped pieces of paper fluttering onto the floor. "Come in."

George and Sapnap shuffled in, Sapnap sighing at the mess on the floor, paper and pins scattered everywhere. George just smiled a little, taking careful steps forward so he wouldn't disturb the mess, sharing a small look with Sapnap. Dream raised an eyebrow, expecting some kind of news.

Maybe his attack on the most recent village had been successful?

As long as Technoblade didn't interfere, and he doubted that would happen since he was probably preoccupied with that witch, then that was probably the news. A new place to circle on his map, a new addition to his empire.

The Dream SMP was his pride and joy. It spanned across the whole country, hundreds of villages under his control, masses and masses of people ready to follow his every single order, everything ruled over by him. And only him. The only thing in his way was the places under Technoblade's protection, the parts on the map that were completely crossed out, black ink covering that area so thickly that the paper was wrinkled.

And that witch was his only hope for defeating him.

"We don't know where the witch is." George leaned forward, making sure he was definitely listening, before sighing in defeat. "We know it's one of Technoblade's villages, we just-"

"Find them."

Dream grabbed his glass of water, taking a drink and then slamming it down onto the table, so hard that the glass cracked on impact, water starting to leak onto his hand. His whole body shook, a vein popping out on his neck, completely tensed up.

"I don't care if you have to search every single village out there, I want you to find them."

George and Sapnap shared another look, before nodding and leaving the room, stepping over the mess. Dream relaxed, leaning back against his chair and letting out a frustrated noise, flicking his glass into the floor, letting it shatter.

He would get that witch, no matter what, and burn Technoblade to the ground.


In a warm and safe house far away from Dream, you gulped nervously, Phil-who had introduced himself after barging in on you and Technoblade's...moment-calmly finishing up his explanation about why exactly you were in danger.

"And he wants me on his side?"

"Yes, I'm afraid." Phil smiled at you. "I know we didn't have the best first impression, but I hope you can help us defeat Dream."

You turned to Technoblade, not quite sure how to feel about all of this-years of being disconnected from everything really put you far behind in understanding what the hell was going on. You didn't even know who Dream was until that morning! "Technoblade-"

"Techno. Call me Techno."

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