trouble's back

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Yawning, you clumsily got to your feet, rubbing your eyes as you stumbled towards the bedroom mirror, something happening outside. You presumed it was one of your sheep maybe making its way outside and celebrating its victory by yelling out-

Wait, sheep didn't speak English.

Suddenly much more awake, you ran to the window, opening it wide, the cold breeze hitting you in the face, but you ignored the cold to squint down at whatever was down there.

You felt your heart sink, a sick feeling dropping in your stomach.

Three people waited in front of your cottage, one even standing on your farm, trampling the crops you had grown there. One held a torch up high, the orange flames dangerously close to your wooden fences and shelters for your animals, and you clung onto the windowsill, frozen in place.

"You're the witch, I presume?" the one in the centre called out, voice clear despite the mask covering their face, which had a sloppy smiley face painted onto it, eerie in the light the torch provided. You shivered, taking a small step back, causing them all to laugh at you. "I wouldn't try and run, witch."

Gritting your teeth, you leant forward instead, looking directly at the masked guy. "How do you-how do you know about me?"

"Rumours. I didn't think it would be true, but we do need a witch on our side right now." He cracked his knuckles, looking at his friends and keeping a hand on his sword.

Technoblade didn't keep his promise.

You were going to kill that man when you found him. How dare he literally break the one promise you wanted him to uphold-how dare he break it when you saved his life? The little, fancy-dressed, pink-haired, annoying, lying bi-

"Well, don't make us go up there. Join us, or face the consequences."

You paused. On your way down, you would have to get your staff anyway, so you could technically defeat them easily. Sure, you weren't used to being strong yet, but if you could kill pillagers, you could kill three humans.

But where would you go?

If Technoblade had spread rumours, then no doubt everyone else knew about it, and who knew what they would do? Most people would be nice, you were sure, but some would be like the people currently outside your house and that terrified you.

You wished you had let Technoblade die.

"I'm going." You left the window open, dragging your feet along as you grabbed your staff, contemplating whether to pack a bag. As you stared at your chest of drawers, there was the loud clanging of metal, followed by cries of anger, and you ran back to the window, leaning over to get a good look.

Swords clashed against each other, and you flinched, trying to see what was going on-the torch from before had been extinguished. Pink hair stuck out to you, Technoblade fighting the one with the mask, his family (?) by his side, even the blond one (Tommy, if you remembered correctly) who couldn't be any older than sixteen. They all held weapons of their choice, charging forward to fight.

For you.

The anger from before was still there, you still couldn't forgive Techno for breaking his promise, but you still smiled somehow.

"Pack a bag and get ready to leave, Y/N!" the green hat person called out, before launching directly into a sword fight, going head to head with the one who had been holding the torch, who seemed to have lost the weird glasses he was wearing before.

Feeling determined, you waved your arms across the room, watching as your clothes neatly fell into your bag, slinging it across your shoulder and sprinting downstairs, casting one forlorn look at your cottage. Was this goodbye? You had spent the last 200 years in this cottage: built it from the ground up, stocked it full of all your favourite things, raised animals, grew crops, made potions, learnt spells and most importantly, felt safe in there.

And it would be completely gone.

Sniffing, you forced open the door, slamming it without looking back, aware of everyone's eyes now locked onto you. The mask was much creepier close-up, cracks in the plaster making parts of it jut out and look unnatural, the smile painted lopsidedly on. You gulped, gripping tightly onto your staff.

"You're going to come with us now."

"Not on my watch," Technoblade snarled, lunging forward with his sword, making contact with the masked man's shoulder, the fabric ripping loudly. That seemed to push a button, the masked man letting out a frustrated noise, jumping forward, completely distracted from you. Tapping your staff on the ground, you took a deep breath, channelling your energy, the diamond glowing brightly in the dark. You heard several people gasp in surprise, and you looked up with a smile, remembering the feeling.

It was the same as when you killed the pillagers. The adrenaline, the heart-pounding, the excitement, the fear, the feeling of power-it was addicting.


Your magic didn't spread out like before, but instead pointed like rays of light from your diamond, blue light aimed at the hearts of the three people, no matter how hard they tried to dodge it. The light pulsed, before glowing so bright that you had to close your eyes, a cry of surprise being immediately drowned out as the magic took over.


Opening your eyes, you grinned at the sight, the three people completely frozen in place, their faces contorted into expressions of horror as their eyes stared blankly into the distance, glassy. Tommy tapped them on the shoulder, eyes so wide you thought they were going to pop out.

"It's temporary. Twenty minutes or so." You stopped gripping your staff so tightly, suddenly remembering why the hell you were in this situation to begin with. They saved you (well, you saved them) but they got you in this mess anyway. "You better have somewhere safe or I'm going to kill all of you."

Technoblade approached you from behind, suddenly leaning down and picking you up effortlessly, the red cloak he was wearing (which you had cleaned when he had wrecked it) fluffy and warm. You struggled against him for a few moments before resigning and snuggling closer, cheek rubbing against the soft material. "You must be tired, after being woken up like that. Sorry." He started to walk, rocking you accidentally whenever he took a step.

"I'm not sleepy..." you protested, eyes starting to flutter closed, Techno humming softly under his breath.

His cloak was really warm.

(A/N-i hope you're enjoying! thank you for reading <3)

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