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Everything hurt.

Your whole body throbbed, pain seeming to ebb away, before coming back in waves, making you grimace and curl closer in on yourself, letting out a weak grunt of pain. Something clinked as you moved your arms, and you forced your eyes open, wincing while lifting them up to see better.

Handcuffs locked your hands into place, the metal seeming to glow from the inside, something eerie about it.

Well, even in your weakened state, you could just break them with your magic.

Closing your eyes, you focused, willing your body to just cooperate for a bit longer, letting the magic flow through your veins and focusing on your hands, letting them tingle and burn and-

Do nothing.

You blinked, staring at the perfectly intact handcuffs on your hands, no cracks in the metal at all. "How..." you whispered, breathing starting to become uneven as you panicked. Was your magic gone? Had Dream removed it? You needed to get out of this place, back home and you needed to use your magic-why wasn't it working?

Heart pounding, you sat up, shakily holding your hands up in front of your face, the handcuffs seeming to taunt you. There was a moment of silence, your brain struggling to process everything, the one thing that you relied on seemingly gone.

Letting out a cry of frustration, you turned to the wall, smashing your hands against it, over and over, the metal cutting into your wrists, blood starting to trickle down them, as you hit the wall, desperate to get them off, hitting harder and harder when it refused to break. You refused to stop, even as your whole body started to tremble, exhausted from the sheer force you were hitting the wall, hard stone carving cuts and bruises into your hands. "Get off," you hissed, panting. "GET OFF!"

You stopped, gazing at your wrists. Blood dripped onto the floor, red painted across your entire arm, skin broken and peeling, the stupid handcuffs remaining in one piece and you held your head in your hands, letting out a pathetic sob.

"They're not coming off anytime soon."

You looked up, seeing Dream leering at you from the door, a bandage wrapped around his arm. He took a few steps closer, examining the damage you had done to yourself, tutting. "I need you for my army, you can't be hurting yourself like that. They're not coming off anyway, you can't do magic."

Supporting yourself with the wall, you stood up, swaying a little on your feet, slightly delirious from the blood loss and exhaustion. "I'm not being in your army."

He laughed, practically cackling at you. "I'm not scared of you. Those handcuffs you have on your hands? They're infused with a weakness potion-you can't do anything to me." Moving even closer to you, he lifted your face with his hand so you were gazing directly at him, a proud smirk on his face. "You'll join my army soon enough." You gritted your teeth, trying to pull away from him. Letting out a harsh laugh, he grabbed the side of your head, digging his nails in before smashing it into the wall, letting you fall to the ground after that. "Payback for my arm. Have fun in here, little witch."

The door slammed shut, the click of a lock following soon after, and you remained on the floor, tears falling onto the ground. Looking around the room from your position, you already knew it was useless-there were no windows for you to smash and throw yourself out of, the room covered with moss-infested stone from wall to ceiling, cobwebs hanging low from the corners.

Sniffing, you let the tears fall down your face, feeling completely and utterly hopeless.

If only you hadn't wandered off.

"Techno, I'm sorry..." you whispered, letting your eyes close, falling into a restless slumber soon after.

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