TNT to the rescue

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Techno waited nervously, eyes locked onto the pile of TNT at Wilbur's feet, a torch held high above his head, the flame spitting out glowing soot and ash which fell way too close to the fuse for comfort. They waited nervously, clutching hard onto their weapons, just waiting for the signal to make a move.

Taking a deep breath, he gazed up at the tower, just praying in his mind that you were okay in there. He would do anything to keep you safe.

A low siren rang out from inside the castle, and Techno jumped, digging his heels in the ground, readying himself to run. Dream was calling a meeting-he was away from where you were.

Giving one last look to his family, he nodded and didn't wait for the torch to be dropped, running to the entrance of the castle without looking back, hand resting on his sword handle, eyes narrowed. The guards were lined up near the entrance, all in a neat formation, rigid and unmoving, their armour glinting. Unsheathing his sword, he charged forward, silent except for his footsteps, watching as they spotted him, yelling out instructions to attack-as if he'd let them.

Just as an axe was dangerously close to slashing at his neck, the TNT went off, a low rumble shaking the ground, causing them to slip, axe dropping onto the floor with a dull thud, missing Techno by mere centimetres. Grinning, he lunged forward, his sword slicing through skin like cake, the body crumpling to the floor soon after. "Nice try."

The other guards, unsettled by the explosion and his attack, all fled, scattering away into the forest, immediately betraying Dream. Well, easier for him.

"Pathetic," he muttered, smirking when he saw streams of people run towards the explosion, taking no notice of him as he slipped into the castle, the corridors devoid of any guards. His footsteps echoed, boots against hard marble, and he looked around, searching for the staircase, heart pounding when there was another explosion, another set of screams coming from where it went off.

He had to be quick, otherwise they'd run out of TNT.

"Trust Dream to make it difficult to find," he hissed under his breath, punching the wall when he turned down another dead end, the ornate windows seeming to laugh at his hopelessness.

Frustration simmered under his skin, and he was tempted to just start hacking at the walls and break through them-maybe then he'd actually be able to find you. Turning down one final corridor, he almost cried out of relief when he finally saw the stairs, clumsily scrambling to get to them, knocking over a vase on the way there, the glass shattering all over the floor, water seeping into the fancy rug. He took a moment to crush the fragments even more, a silent message to Dream (he seemed like the type to place all the pretentious vases everywhere).

Starting to sprint up the stairs, he slipped up on damp moss a few times, gritting his teeth and forcing himself to keep moving, having to duck down as it became narrower and shorter. Clutching onto the wall, he pushed himself up the final steps, a large oak door looming over him.

You were behind there.

"Y/N?" he called out, glaring at the padlock. "I'm going in there, wait a second!"

He really had time to appreciate your enchanting of his weapon, swinging his sword against the padlock and watching it crack cleanly down the middle, crashing against the floor, before kicking the door open, bursting through.

As soon as he saw you, he ran over to your side, immediately wrapping your arms around your body, squeezing tightly, as if he was scared you would disappear again. Pulling back a little, he looked at all your injuries-the bandages wrapped carelessly around your arms, the bruises scattered over your body, the cuts and scrapes on your hand-and his eyes glinted dangerously, taking deep breaths to remain calm. He lifted up your face with one hand gently, rubbing your cheek with one thumb. "When I get my hands on Dream..."

You smiled weakly, leaning against his hand.

Hearing another bang, he reluctantly removed his arms from you, frowning when he saw handcuffs around your wrists, fists clenching. "He did this to you as well? I'm going to murder him, I swear."

You held your arms out. "I can't remove them."

Nodding, he readied his sword, bringing it down against the metal, hard, sighing when it split in half, the rest of the handcuffs seeming to dissolve into the air. Magic, he assumed.

Slipping his cloak off his shoulders, he wrapped it around yours, fastening it tightly before lifting you up, barging through the door and down the stairs. He had finally upheld his promise of saving you, and he was going to get you out of here, no matter what.

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