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Everything was so cosy and warm, your eyes remaining tightly shut even as you started to wake up, pulling the covers close to your face, snuggling into it. For a few seconds, you were content, your mind only filled with sleepy thoughts, mostly about how comfy everything was.

Then a flash of blue light appeared in your daydreams, sharp and painful.

Ah, yes. That happened.

Sleepily rubbing your eyes, you forced yourself up, blinking until the world stopped looking so blurry. A mass of colours, which you had assumed to maybe be a pile of clothes, slowly started to look more and more like a person, a book resting on their lap while they slept peacefully, a small crown on their head.

"What..." you mumbled to yourself, rolling your eyes. Technoblade never failed to shock you-who slept with a crown on?

Looking around, you assumed it was his room, judging by the rack of weapons hanging up next to the bed, axes and swords all glinting in the sunlight, and when you leant in closer, his name carved into the handles in fancy font. They were all intact as well, except for one, which was made out of wood, way different to the rest of the weapons, parts of it completely chipped off, splinters of wood barely hanging on.

The rest of the room was bland, the bookshelves filled with what seemed like textbooks (maybe history, since some of the titles were just time periods), the walls mostly bare save for a few official-looking letters, some even starting to peel off.

A pretty boring room, nothing like your cottage...

You sighed, eyes downcast. It wouldn't be your cottage anymore, probably ransacked by the weirdos who attacked you. You at least hoped the animals would be okay, and that they wouldn't destroy the cottage itself. That place had been your safe haven for years and years.

Tears had already started to well up in your eyes before you could stop them, and you sniffed, wiping them away as fast as you could, tilting your head down so you could just stop thinking about your cottage at all.

The blanket you had been snuggling up to was bright red, the white fluffy trim pulled up close to you. Distracted by the room, you hadn't even noticed that what you were sleeping on was-

"My cloak." Technoblade yawned, smiling when you jumped. "You wouldn't let go of it yesterday, so I just let you have it."

Not wanting to see his smug face, you turned to look back at the rack of weapons, fixated on the wooden sword. It really did stand out, wood standing out against a mass of grey metal, barely holding itself together.

Technoblade pulled it off the rack, holding it gently in his hands, the kid-size sword looking even tinier when compared to him. He looked down at it with an indiscernible expression on his face. "My practise sword from when I was a kid." Chuckling, he put it back, again treating it with the utmost care. "Been through a lot."

"I can see," you answered, glancing at your staff. "Wait-I'm supposed to be mad at you!"

You had genuinely forgotten everything, completely swept up by the atmosphere with Technoblade, too distracted to remember that this man spread rumours about you.


"You told people about me, after I told you not to, you little-" Standing up, you let the cloak fall to the ground, fists clenching. You didn't even need magic to do anything, a good punch to the face was all you needed to feel better.

And to maybe burn the entire house down.

"And now I had to leave my cottage, where I was safe and alone and not being chased down by weirdos-"

"Woah, woah, stop." Technoblade leant backwards, hands help up in mock surrender. "We had no choice."

"No choice?" you exclaimed, letting out an exasperated laugh, so angry that you weren't even sure if you could form proper words at this point. "You had one job-keep your mouth shut."

"I kept my mouth shut!" he snapped back, before leaning back and mumbling an apology, looking quite embarrassed of himself. Sighing, more in complete and utter defeat than anger, you buried your head in your hands, gritting your teeth.

"Then why? Why did they find me?"

"Dream's been after me for years now. The pillagers were paid to attack me, apparently, and he was watching the whole thing." He looked up at you with a regretful smile, folding his arms. "He was bragging about it, and word spread to me." Realising that you were completely and utterly confused, he fidgeted anxiously with his fingers. "Dream's the one with the mask."

"He said he found out through rumours," you said, bringing your knees up and hugging them, refusing to make eye contact.

"He wants you on his side." Moving closer, he brought a hand to your face, gently pushing you to look at him, eyes full of sorrow. "Y/N, I swear that I never told a soul."

You two were so close that you could see every detail of his face, his eyes silently pleading for you to forgive, his lips downturned into a frown, pink hair starting to fall in front of his face. Without even thinking, you fixed his hair, before resting a hand on top of the one on your face, somehow managing to smile despite it all. Completely silent, you two stayed in that position, his calloused hand rough against yours.

The door opened, and he leapt away from you, jumping as if scalded.

"Did I interrupt something?"

ᴇᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴀʟ-technoblade x readerWhere stories live. Discover now