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You watched Phil carefully, gulping at the mass of weapons arranged on the table, axes and swords and bows all glinting at you, some of the most impressive (probably wielded by Techno) covered with small flecks of dried blood, brown staining the edges.

"I'll clean the dirty ones, Y/N, don't worry," Phil said, grabbing said weapons off the table with ease, even the ones that seemed to weigh half his body weight. He grabbed a cloth, starting to wipe one of them, taking the utmost care, acting almost delicate. Which contradicted the barbaric nature of the weapons themselves.

Tommy slammed his hands onto the table, making everything rattle. "I've got a question for you."

"Yes?" you asked, slightly worried about what he'd ask.

"What was it like in the forest? Alone?"

You blinked, surprised he would ask that, but you assumed he was probably curious about your magic-that was why you were even there to begin with, and it was the only reason why you were useful. "Oh, well I didn't really do any more magic than-"

"No, not your magic!" he seemed almost frustrated, slamming his hands against the table again, grimacing when Phil gave him a stern look. "Living away from everyone! There weren't any annoying brothers were there? Not like Wilbur, he's very annoying-OW!"

Wilbur gave him a swift kick from where he was sitting, glaring. "And I bet you didn't have any annoying younger brothers to deal with, right?"

"And no annoying sons?" Phil joined in, laughing when he was met with indignant stares from both Tommy and Wilbur. "Kidding. But also not really."

Blinking, you held back a smile, something in you quite glad that they didn't ask about your magic. It would be nice to talk about something else. "Well...it was just me there, so no annoying siblings at all-" Tommy gave you a thumbs up, flipping Wilbur off with his other hand and you held back a laugh, choking a little on your words. "-so I just looked after my animals and farm. I don't think there were any people living within two hundred metres? Maybe?"

"Did you not get lonely?" Wilbur frowned, tapping the table. "I'd go mad."

"Safer to be alone. And I had a lot of fun in those two hundred years! My farms were doing great."

All of them shared a look, knowing smiles on their faces before they turned back to you, all hiding something in their expression. Phil finished polishing an axe, placing it to the side. "I can see why Techno's taken such a liking to you now."

Turning red, your eyes widened and you everted your gaze, staring directly at the table. "What?"

"Both of you are obsessed with farms," Wilbur answered, nodding slowly. "Yep, you and Techno are destined.

You choked on air, completely taken aback by what he said, dying of embarrassment as Tommy burst into laughter at you, slapping the table while he found your embarrassment funny, and if you looked closely, both Wilbur and Phil both had knowing smiles on their faces. Rubbing your neck awkwardly, you avoided their gaze. Farms were important! They grew stuff that was essential for being self-sufficient, like...potatoes for example! You weren't obsessed...

Ok, maybe you were a little bit, but still.

As Tommy wiped away his tears of laughter, Phil stood up, dropping a bag onto the table in front of you, the contents making a loud thump as it touched the table. Already starting to guess what it was, you opened it, nodding when you saw bright blue stones gleaming at you, hearing Tommy and Wilbur both gasp at it. "Lapis Lazuli," you breathed out, taking a stone into your hands. "And good quality, too."

Phil nodded proudly. "Yep, mined it myself."

You examined the stone closer in your hands, smiling when it seemed to glimmer at your touch, ripples of blue swirling in the stone. It was absolutely beautiful-you had never seen such pure lapis in your life. It was an honour to be able to use it.

"Enchanting," you said without thinking, too excited. "I need my staff."

Tommy jumped to his feet, sprinting up the stairs and was back in seconds, panting and holding your staff in his hands, throwing it at you. "I need to see this."

You smiled, feeling the tips of your finger tingle, small sparks appearing when you held your staff up, excess magic bursting out due to your excitement. "You guys use lapis in enchanting tables, right?" you asked, looking up and seeing all three nod at your question, focused and waiting for you to start. "Well, for witches we infuse it into our staff stone. One lapis for each weapon or book." Holding the lapis stone, you tapped it against the diamond on your staff, wincing a little when it glowed bright blue, the lapis melting into the diamond, making it turn a deep indigo colour, gleaming in the light. Phil gasped, and you picked up the closest weapon to you, a bow that had designs engraved into the wood, beautiful and intricate. It seemed to shiver in anticipation as you held your staff against it, glowing indigo stone against wood, and you took a deep breath, closing your eyes. Your veins rushed with magic (or adrenaline, you weren't sure), your body feeling hot and cold at the same time, every inch of it focused on enchanting. "Fortior," you whispered, sighing when the magic released from you, the build-up of tension relaxing all at once.

Opening your eyes, you saw the bow in your hands, the wood now shining a little, purple shimmer covering it completely. Tommy snatched the bow from your hands, holding it high above his head. "WHAT THE FUCK? That was so COOL!"

Wilbur placed a sword in front of you, presumably his own, an excited grin on his face. "Do mine next."

"Say please, Wilbur," Phil reprimanded, his hand falling onto your shoulder. "Tell me if you get tired, ok? I have some freshly baked bread for you. And I need to hear more about your cottage."

Feeling small tears well up in your eyes, you gulped, nodding happily. Being alone in your cottage was fun, but being in a place like this was much better.

Much, much better.

(A/N-i wanted some bonding between the sleepy bois and y/n...complete self indulgence LMAO)

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