the plan

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Techno waited impatiently, eyes locked onto the map in front of him. He needed to know where you were. "Phil, can your crows hurry up?"

Phil sighed, glancing out the window. "Sorry, but they should be back soon. I've sent them around the whole country."

"We don't even have a bloody plan, and Y/N needs saving now. Who knows what those sick fucks have done to them?" Techno spat out, clenching his fists.

Phil, Wilbur and Tommy shared a sad look, mirroring his frustration.

"Come up with the plan now then." Wilbur sat down in the chair next to him, crossing his arms. "Might as well."

There was a moment of silence, as they racked their brains. Dream would surely have guards, so it wasn't an easy matter of storming in and taking you back, even though he was confident in everyone's sparring skills. He honestly wanted to do exactly that, storm in and maybe show Dream what he was like when he was truly angry, but you were more important. Doing that could put you in more danger than you could already be.

Brow furrowing, his heart ached, wanting to be by your side.

A single caw rang out, and they all jumped, Phil holding a crow on his arm, murmuring quietly to it, completely focused. "We know where Y/N is," he said, giving the crow a stroke on its head, before pointing at a place on the map. "Here."

Where he pointed was one of Dream's least impressive bases, a small castle with only fifty rooms in total, tiny compared to his other castles.

"He tried to trick us." Tommy shook his head, tapping his foot on the floor. "Little bitch."

Techno circled the place on the map, drawing a small diagram of the building itself next to the circle. If he remembered correctly, there was one large ballroom in the centre, with several corridors leading out of it, lined with rooms, and then two tall towers, each with one room at the top for prisoners.

"Y/N's in the left tower," Phil said, pointing at it. "There's guards at the main entrances, but Dream's neglected to guard the towers themselves, since the only way to get in is through a door, which is locked."

Classic Dream move, Techno thought to himself. His arrogance was his one weakness, the idea that only he had the power to get into wherever Y/N was.

"So we need to keep everyone away while someone goes to break Y/N out...but how?" Techno sighed, wracking his brains for something. Maybe by fighting them? No, they would be easily overpowered by the guards, leaving Dream ample time to be able to make sure Y/N couldn't escape.


They all turned to Wilbur, who was thinking deeply to himself.

"TNT. Blow up part of the castle, maybe where Dream is. That'll weaken them."

Phil frowned. "But we don't have any. And to make enough, it'll take too long and who knows what they'll do in that time."

Wilbur turned to Tommy, nodding. "We have lots."

"Get it. Now," Techno demanded, aware of the fact he sounded pushy, but this was important. Who cared that his brothers apparently had a TNT stash, at least it was doing something useful. They jumped to their feet, running out the door, and Techno collapsed back into his chair, eyes downcast. Phil gave him a soft pat on the shoulder, offering a reassuring smile, but he could see the worry lines carved into his face, stress starting to pile up on his shoulders.

Everyone was worried about Y/N.

"Do you think Dream's done anything...bad to Y/N?" he asked, sick with worry about what could be happening. Maybe Y/N was being tortured.

"I don't know," Phil confessed. "We just have to be quick and save them."

Tommy and Wilbur ran back into the room, piles of TNT crammed into their arms, and they dropped it onto the table, panting. "This is enough, right?" Tommy asked, biting his lip nervously.

It definitely was, masses of red TNT staring at Techno from the table, the fuses glinting in the light. He looked at the TNT and then his sword, glowing purple from your enchantments, holding it in his hand almost to comfort him. He'd use your magic to help him save you.

"The plan is that we blow them up around here," Phil said, pointing at the ballroom on Techno's diagram. "When they are all together-I'll get my crows to warn us. And then someone will go to the tower while the rest of us fight."

"I'll go," Techno immediately responded, determined.

Everyone nodded, immediately jumping into preparations, Tommy and Wilbur counting the TNT as well as discussing how to effectively set it off, Phil murmuring to the crow on his arm, and Techno stood up, pulling the gold nugget necklace from his pocket, the one he had meant to give to you at the market.

"I'll save you, Y/N." he held the necklace close to his chest. "I promise."

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