bye, technoblade

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Technoblade knowing of your existence scared you to begin with, even before you found out about being suddenly the strongest witch he had ever known.

Humans and witches never mixed, that was a fact, especially after the massacre. They were glad to walk around, using stuff derived from the witches they killed-enchantment tables and potions, for example. While you had to hide away for years and years.

The massacre and prejudice between witches and humans had stopped, apparently, according to your last visit to the village.

But bad people still existed out there, people who wanted to hurt you. And staying away from everyone else was how you stayed safe.


You tapped your staff, the thing never leaving your hands after Technoblade had started to get up, walking around your house. It was honestly a blessing that he was so awkward, staying silent while he glanced at the stuff around your cottage, too scared to touch anything lest you smite him or something.

His sword bounced against his leg, the sheath ruby-encrusted. You scoffed at that-imagine being so rich your weapons had literal gems embedded into it.

Your staff having a diamond on it was essential, those rubies were not.

"You seem...pretty keen on keeping your identity a secret."

You rolled your eyes, hitting your staff against the floor, smiling when he jumped a little. "Because I want to have a quiet life. Away from humans, ok?" you hissed, leaning closer. "I saved your life, so in exchange, I want you to keep your mouth shut."

Pulling back, he rubbed his neck awkwardly, looking nothing like the "blood god" he was meant to be. "Bit close, don't you think?"

Blushing in spite of yourself, you coughed awkwardly, sitting back down, too carried away by the atmosphere to notice that you had literally been touching noses with him. Ignoring the stupid smirk on his face, you crossed your arms, trying to not pout but also failing, frowning when you heard him laugh.

You opened your mouth to tell him to shut up or something, but a loud knock on the door interrupted you, before being followed by a series of knocks, playing a random tune. And not stopping.

"Stop knocking, my god!" you rolled your eyes, opening the door with a flick of your wrist, holding back a smile when someone almost crashed onto the floor, having to be helped up by someone else.

"They're here for me," Technoblade said, meeting your deadpan stare with confusion before realising. "Ah, forgot you live in solitary."

"Sorry to intrude!" one person called, entering and closing the door behind them, and you resisted the urge to just burn them all.

Who entered someone's house without asking?

The person who had called out took off their hat, placing it on the table, laughing when you frowned at his...interesting choice of clothing. The hat itself was green and white, wide stripes across the whole thing, and the rest of his clothes matched, a loose green jacket over green clothes. He also looked much older than everyone else, blond hair pulled back into a small ponytail, the atmosphere around him just exuding responsibility-if that made sense.

He caught you staring, and you immediately turned away, staring at the other two who had walked in.

They were bickering, the blond one practically screaming at the brunette one, about something you couldn't be bothered to properly listen to. Narrowing your eyes, you eyed them nervously, noticing that the blond one was dangerously close to whacking one of your ingredient shelves down.

"Tommy, watch yourself," the oldest one said gently, and you blinked, thankful at least that your stuff wouldn't be wrecked. "I believe you saved Techno's life?"

"How do you-"

"I told him." Technoblade waved some device in his hand, a red light beeping from it. "A communicator."

"I don't...know what that is."

"HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT A COMMUNICATOR IS?" the blond one screamed-Tommy, according to the other person. He slammed his hands onto the table, looking personally offended that you had never even seen this stupid device.

"Tommy, back off. They saved my life, you can't be rude."


You put your head in your hands, already exhausted, feeling a headache coming on. "I don't care about this communicator, just please, get out of my house and never come back." Tommy opened his mouth, clearly about to protest again, so you drew a line with your fingers, zipping his mouth shut. "Please."

He let out a series of muffled noises, the brunette person who he had been bickering with before practically dying of laughter at his struggle.

"We won't keep you for any longer." The oldest picked up his hat, opening the door and gesturing for the rest to follow. "And his mouth...?"

"Temporary. Technoblade?"

Technoblade paused in standing up, looking expectantly at you.

"Tell anyone where I am, or anything about me at all, and I'll make you regret it."

"Of course, darling. Your secret is safe with me."

He grabbed your hand, bringing it up to your lips and kissing it, blushing when his family (?) laughed at him, hastily dropping it back into your lap and running off after them, offering you a shy wave. The door slammed shut after them, their chatter slowly fading away.

Back to normal.

(A/N-but is this truly goodbye...)

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