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You crossed off your calendar, marking off another new day, humming a happy song under your breath. Today was you and Techno's one year anniversary, and he had been secretive all week-which meant he had something planned.

Rearranging some flowers to place in a vase, you waited for him to burst through the door, ready to show you whatever he had planned.

The door opened gently, Techno shuffling in awkwardly, fidgeting with his hands. "Sweetheart?"

"Yes?" you said, turning around with a smile. "Anything you need?"

"You present-just come with me for a sec." He grabbed your hand, gently pulling you out of the house, leading you down a path you hadn't seen before, into the forests. The forests that Techno had forbidden you from entering, since they were "dangerous".

Still, you kept following him, dodging some branches. "Techno, where are we going?"

"Here," he answered, coming to a halt.

Eyes widening, you saw masses of colour, flowers and plants and trees all blooming, an abundance of magical ingredients all begging to be picked. Golden particles wafted in the air, a caramel smell floating around, and you gasped, smiling giddily. "But-what?"

"You always complain about travelling for ingredients, so I grew this for you," he explained, wrapping an arm around your waist. "Happy anniversary, and thank you for everything."

Sniffing, you leant down, grabbing an azalea off the ground, placing it into his hand. Tears pricked up in your eyes, but you wiped them away impatiently, overwhelmed by how much work he had put into this. Growing all these plants must've taken ages-a lot of effort as well.

"Techno, I will make you any potion you want for the rest of your life."

He laughed, shaking his head fondly at you. "I love you, I really do."

"I love you more. Now, what potion do you want?"

~𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑒𝓃𝒹~

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