Meeting Bucky and Loki

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Ok so Tony is Peter's bio dad in this and Peter is about seven years old.

Peter's POV

I was playing with my legos trying to make a really cool and really tall building when my dad called me to the living room. I got up as quickly as I could and ran to the living room.

"Peter, no running in the house." My Uncle Steve told me. I sighed and stopped running while looking at him. When he looked away I started running again. I kept running until I felt myself get picked up.

"Didn't I just hear Uncle Steve tell you to stop running in the house Underoos?" I smiled innocently with my two front teeth showing. Auntie Nat told me that if I become innocent, I won't get in trouble. Speaking of Auntie Nat, I heard her laughing behind dad.

"маленький паук, I taught you well." Auntie Nat picked me up from my dad's arms and put me on her hip.

"Peter, I have someone you should meet. He is a bit sensitive and he may seem scary but he isn't." I nodded my head at dad and I saw Uncle Steve come in with this random dude. He had a short sleeve shirt on and on one of his arms he had a metal arm! That's so cool.

I wiggled in Auntie Nat's arms and she put me down. I walked over to the man and he crouched down in front of me.

"Hi. I'm uh Bucky." "Bucky" said to me. I looked at him and then ran to my room.

Tony's POV

I saw Bucky have a hurt look on his face.

"Was it my arm?"

"It shouldn't have been. Let me go talk to him." I tried to assure Bucky. Why did Peter run out? I started walking to his room when I saw him run out again.

Peter's POV

I ran to my room in hope of finding what I needed. I ran to my toy chest and dove in trying to find them. When I found them I ran back to Mr. Bucky who was still standing next to Uncle Steve.

I ran over next to him and jumped up and slapped the first magnet on his arm. I giggled at the magnet I put on him. It was a Captain America shield. Mr. Bucky looked down and smiled. He crouched down when he saw more magnets in my hand and I put them all on. I didn't have too many but enough that part of his arm was filled up.

There were Iron Man magnets and Disney ones and my all time favourite, my pancake magnet. Mr. Bucky looked down and smiled at me. He then held out his arms and I ran into them.

"Can I pick him up?" He asked. I looked at my dad and nodded my head super duper fast. My dad laughed and nodded his head. Mr. Bucky picked me up and I sat down on his hip. I looked up and noticed his hair. It was long. I gasped.

"Auntie Nat! We have to teach Mr. Bucky how to braid hair like you do with me! It can be like a little club!" Auntie Nat and Mr. Bucky laughed.

"I would be honoured to be a part of this club. Thank you Peter."

"Peter, do you know why you are meeting Bucky?" Uncle Steve asked me.

"You're getting married to Mr. Bucky!" Dad spit out his coffee and laughed.

"No Pete, Bucky is going to be living with us and is going to be an Avenger. Does that sound like fun?"

"Will he be joining us on movie night then?"

"Yes he will."

"Then yes!"

*Time Skip To Later That Night*

Dad grabbed me as I was running around with my star wars action figures and he ran to my room and threw me on my bed.

"C'mon kiddo, pajama time. Which ones do you want?" I flopped back down on my bed.

"I don't wanna go to bed though." I whined.

"You weren't going to have to go to bed. We were going to have a movie night but if you keep this whining up you will be in bed." I shot out of my bed and grabbed my star wars pajamas.

I shoved my dad out of the room and tried to get changed. When I was done I showed my dad and he helped me fix my shirt since it was apparently backwards.

I ran to the living room where I smelled popcorn and saw a bunch of blankets on the couches.

Once the movie had started, I crawled over to Mr. Bucky and I laid my head down on his lap. He looked down and smiled at me. I then turned to the tv which was playing this new movie that was directed by one of daddy's close friends and even mentors, Stan Lee. I liked him. He was really cool. And a good artist! 

About halfway through the movie I started getting sleepy. I cuddled more into Mr. Bucky and I fell asleep with one thought.

I'm going to like this new change.

*3 Weeks Later*

I was running around the place laughing while Uncle Steve was chasing me since I had his shield.

"Peter! Give me my shield now!" I shook my head no and I ran up the wall and stood on the ceiling.

"Peter Stark, get down here now!" Uncle Steve said while trying to reach me. Our ceilings are very high so even with Uncle Steve on a chair, he can't get me.

I still had the shield in my hands when I heard a huge crack of thunder and a bright light. Knowing what it was, I flipped off the ceiling and ran to where Uncle Thor would land. I dropped the shield while ignoring Uncle Steve who said I need to stop jumping off the ceiling. Uncle Thor appeared and I jumped into his arms.

"Uncle Thor! And another cool looking person!" I yelled.

"Peter stop yelling ple- oh hello Thor and Loki." Dad said while entering the living room with his cup of coffee. He always drinks that stuff. I wonder if it is good.

"Hello man of iron and hello young starkson, how is my favourite nephew?"

"I'm good Uncle Thor. Who is that next to you?"

"That is Loki. They are my sibling."

"They? As is more than one? I only see Loki." Loki smiled softly and looked at dad who nodded in some sort of approval.

"It's just me, young one. Do you know what gender fluid is?" I shook my head no.

"Well gender fluid is when a person feels like they are a boy, girl, or even neither at times. When they feel like neither, they go by they/them pronouns. So instead of saying like hers or she, you say they or them. Today I am feeling like neither." Loki tried explaining. It was a little confusing but with practice I should be able to get it. I just had one question.

"Loki, when you are feeling like a girl and have your hair long, can I braid it? Auntie Nat taught me!" Loki smiled and hi- their eyes lit up.

"Of course, young one. I would quite like that. Are you ok with that Stark?" Loki turned to my dad.

"Yes, Reindeer Games." Loki rolled their eyes at the nickname.

"Peter. Now that you have met Loki, it's time for bed." Dad said, grabbing me from Uncle Thor's arms. I groaned and protested.

"What if I tell you some stories about Asgard?" Loki brought up. I shook my head super fast. My dad laughed and handed me to Loki. It's like a hot potato. Dad kissed my forehead and said goodnight and all that jazz. I was already in my pajamas so that was pretty easy.

Loki carried me to my room after getting directions. He- they tucked me into my bed and sat down beside my bed. They then began telling stories about Asgard.

Just as I was about to fall asleep I asked Loki a question that has been bothering me.

"Loki. What if I also want to use they and them? But also he and him. Can I do that?"

"Why of course Peter. Would you like me to use them with you and see how you like them?" I nodded my head yes.

"Well then I will. Good night young one. Sweet dreams."

"Good night Loki. You too." I then nodded off to sleep. 

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