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(Crack Story)

Tony Stark was just sitting at home doing work waiting for Peter to get there so they could work in the labs. It was a cold December day and Tony was starting to get cold himself so he had an idea. Why not make some hot chocolate? You can never go wrong with hot chocolate. Especially the recipe that one of his dads old friends, Stan would make. Tony loved Stan, he was one of the only nice people associated with his dad's friends and one of the only people who believed in him. 

With that being said, Tony rose from his spot on the couch and made his way to the kitchen where he got out all of the things he would need in order to make the sweet chocolate Elysium.

Tony glanced at the clock and saw that it was nearing about the time that Peter would be arriving here from school. Honestly, that kid is so smart, he doesn't see why he isn't at MIT by now. He was one hundred percent smart enough for it. Tony decided to make a mug of hot chocolate for Peter also. The labs can get pretty cold and that kid is always somehow cold.

When Tony was done making the hot chocolate, he looked in the pantries in hopes of finding something that would spice up the drinks he just made. Luckily, he found candy canes. Peppermint candy canes. Now Tony was fully aware of the effect of peppermint against spiders but he did not know the effect of it against his spider-kid. Tony decided to put just a bit of the candy can in Peter's drink just to see the effect. For scientific reasons. Definitely scientific reasons. Not just for Tony's entertainment. Totally.

Tony heard the elevator open and a backpack being thrown to who knows where in response to it being the start of winter break. The backpack will be abandoned for the next two weeks. Tony then heard running feet to the kitchen once he heard FRIDAY's response to Peter's questions of his whereabouts. Tony saw Peter enter the kitchen. He smiled at the boy and opened up his arms for a hug. Of course Peter being Peter, he quickly entered the hug and held onto Tony tightly.

"How was school underoos?" Tony asked while he ran his fingers through Peter's hair.

"Good. Ned and I got to be partners in chem today but we almost blew up our workstation cause we read something wrong since we were talking about Star Wars. Again." Peter explained while smiling sheepishly. Tony chuckled at Peter and shook his head.

"Well with that being said, I think you deserve some hot chocolate. Hurry up and drink it. I just made it so it is still nice and fresh." Tony said while he motioned to the still steaming mugs. Peter gratefully took it with a simple thank you.

Peter took a long sip of it while Tony watched him with anticipation. Peter suddenly widened his eyes and spit out the drink. He set the mug down and climbed on the wall and on to the ceiling.

"Peter, you ok there bud?" Tony asked the poor suffering boy while trying to stifle a laugh. All Tony got in return was a loud hiss.

"I'm sorry, did you just fucking hiss at me?" Peter grabbed a pillow with a web and launched it at Tony with another hiss.

"Ok. I'm leaving while you act like that." Tony left the room and went down to the labs while having FRIDAY play any noise feedback that he would get from the kitchen.

"AHHHH I KNEW YOU WERE A DEMON STRAIGHT FROM THE PITS OF HELL!!" He heard someone scream with a hiss following along with it. It had been about twenty minutes since Tony left. He quickly walked to the kitchen to see what the commotion was about. He thought he expected anything but what he didn't expect was to see Clint and Sam in the corner with crosses that they were holding towards Peter who had made a web cocoon and was peering over the edge of it while throwing pillows he must have snagged from the couches.

Tony grabbed a broom and started hitting Peter with it like he always does when Peter gets up on the ceiling. Peter fell down and crawled towards Tony who in return screamed and ran.

Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, and Peter Parker were never heard from again. 

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