Faking Sick

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Peter's POV

"Alright class. Tomorrow we are going to be presenting the slideshows you guys have made based on which planet you chose." My science teacher announced. I mentally groaned. I have always had the hardest time with presenting. It didn't help that I also have to do a presentation in english and history both tomorrow.

The bell rang and I ran out of the classroom. I just wanted to get out of this school already. Just four more weeks and I can relax for one hundred and four days. (There's 104 days of summer vacation...)

As I was walking, I was pushed against the wall. I looked over and saw Flash and his goons laughing while running out of the school. I sighed and composed myself and left the school quickly so I don't make Happy upset. I quickly got into the car and before I could even talk, Happy put the divider up.

As Happy was driving and swearing at the slow drivers, I thought of ways I could skip tomorrow. Besides, tomorrow is Friday and Flash always gives me the hardest times since "I won't see him for two days of fun" end quote. I really hate that kid. But better me than some other person who could not handle it.


"Hey watch it! I'm walking here!" This old guy exclaimed as Happy honked his horn at the guy since he got in Happy's way. 

I got it! I can start acting sick! I can hack into FRIDAY and then throughout the night I start acting more and more sick and then tomorrow morning I just act like I can hardly move. Good job Peter, you're so smart.

I started by making my posture very sluggish and then I stayed like that for the rest of the ride and I stopped any attempts at talking. That one was really hard. Soon enough, Happy pulled into the tower garage and I slowly got out. I'm usually out before Happy so he gave me a weird look when he saw that he was out before I was. I just started walking kind of slowly to the door.

"Not that I care or anything, but are you ok?" I turned around and nodded my head.

"Just tired but thanks. Happy." I replied quietly. Happy just nodded and went to his office. I walked to the elevator and rode up to the floor where my room is, which is on the floor where the main common room is.

When I got out of the elevator, I saw Mr. Stark on the couch. He looked over when he heard me put my backpack down and he patted the spot next to him on the couch. I slowly walked over and sat next to him and leaned on him.

"Rough day?" I nodded my head and cuddled deeper into him. Mr. Stark just put a blanket over the two of us and unpaused the movie he had on. I was really tired already so I just took a nap while I was just sitting there with Mr. Stark.

*Time Skip*

"Hey bud, you gotta get up, dinner is almost ready." I sat up a bit and noticed I was on Mr. Stark's bed. I must have looked a little confused cause Mr. Stark explained to me how he went to his room to complete some work and he took me with him since he didn't want to leave me alone. I then remembered my plan to act sick so I wouldn't have to go to school tomorrow.

"I'm not hungry, I'm just tired." Mr. Stark burrowed his eyebrows and put the back of his hand against my forehead.

"You're not running a fever and FRIDAY can't tell me your exact temperature since she is down for some code replacement and she will not be up and running until tomorrow night." Yes! Maybe Parker Luck™ was deciding to be nice to me for once.

"I will let this slide for now but you are going to eat later." I nodded my head at Mr. Stark's words and he left the room to have me sleep a bit longer.

Once I knew that he was gone and wasn't coming back, I jumped up and quietly went into the bathroom to grab the only thermometer we have. Since I have done this a couple of times with Aunt May, I know what I am doing. I opened the thermometer and got to work quietly to make sure I could hear if someone was coming. I tweaked it so my regular 96.7 temp would be up to 100.6 temp. I then put it back where it was and made sure it looked like it had not been touched.

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