Captain America 4:The Horrid PSA's

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(Shit Post)

"Mr. Parker? Your homework?" Mr. Harrington asked Peter. Peter gave a sheepish laugh and pretended to look through his backpack and then his folder.

"Peter, I know full well that you do not have your homework. Detention after school." Peter sighed and nodded his head. Great, another afternoon full of Captain America's PSA's. Oh how wonderful. He just loves listening to that guy.

When the bell finally rang at the end of the day, Peter walked to the room where detention was held. (The day it all went down...) It was only him there today. What? Was everyone just having a good day or something? Well besides Peter of course.

The only good thing about this situation was the detention teacher, Mr. Lee, this old guy who loved breaking the rules just as much as the most trouble making kid here. He would often give us tips on how to make even more mischief. 

If only he had just remembered his homework, he wouldn't be in this situation and he would be at home getting ready for his Avengers meeting. The team besides Tony and Natasha had no idea who this kid was. They didn't even know how old he was. Tony knew because well Tony is Peter's mentor and Natasha knows because well, Natasha knows anything and everything. Peter doesn't mind though, he likes Natasha.

Peter sat down at his usual desk and just tried to zone out while Captain America goes on and on about whatever he was talking about in this PSA. Peter grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and just started drawing.

When Peter was finally let out about an hour and a half later, Peter ran out of the school as quickly as possible. Since Aunt May was at work he could just put on his suit and mask without worrying that somebody was going to see him get changed.

So that is what he did. Peter left his apartment and swung over to the Avengers Tower. He came in through one of the open windows. Peter scared a few people at first but they calmed down once they realized that it was just Spider-Man. Some people didn't jump or react as they were used to it, since any open window, Peter came through that window.

Peter then got into the elevator and without even telling FRIDAY where he was going, the elevator started to move onto the right floor where the meeting was being held. Thankfully Fury was not going to be there today since he had SHIELD stuff. Peter was a bit scared of Fury but he will not admit it though. I mean show weakness? Yeah ok.

Peter walked into the meeting with about five minutes to spare. He sat down next to Tony and across from Steve. Through his mask, Peter gave Steve a bit of a death glare. Even if he couldn't see it. He was pretty sick of that guy. I mean who is he to be all noble and so proper and just being that stupid fuc-

"Earth to Spidey. Are you on autopilot or something?" He jumped as he saw Tony's hand wave in front of him. Peter cleared his throat.

"Yeah sorry. I'm here. Just zoned out a bit you know?"

"Yeah alright Spidey."

"Alright, let's get started with this meeting." Steve walked up to the front of the room all proper and shit. Peter rolled his eyes but of course you couldn't see it because of the mask.

"Alright Avengers, now let's get started on the topic of public appearance. Lately some of us have not been noble citizens and that needs to be changed." Steve said all proper like while staring down Bucky, Sam, and Natasha. Steve must have been too proper for Peter though. . Peter scoffed.

"Who are you to be all proper like?" Steve stopped abruptly and turned towards Peter.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, you one hundred year old hag. What are you? Mr. All American. Oooh I'm Captain America, I'm so perfect and righteous and sooo noble!" Peter finally had enough and blew up. He mocked the Captain America. If you would have told Peter just a simple year ago he would be mocking one of his idols, he would have laughed hysterically at you and say that you are on drugs. But now Peter has had enough. Tony was laughing his ass off when he finally got the breath to form words.

"Detention again?" Peter nodded his head and plopped back down in his seat.

"Detention? What does that have to do with me? And the fact that this grown man is acting like a child and will not talk to me like an adult even though he is clearly mad at me." Steve said, quite offended by the previous events.

"Spidey here is still in school and when he gets detention, his school plays these stupid PSA's that you have made and I think someone just had enough. Isn't that right Spidey?" Tony explained and Peter nodded his head with his arms crossed. You know, like how those five year olds do. How they only nod their head once.

"I forgot my homework again and I had to listen to the Star Spangled Man with a plan for an hour and a half. Those PSA's are stupid and can burn in the pits of hell! Next time I will commit arson if I have to hear another one of those stupid videos. Mark my words!"

"Peter get off the table." Peter went silent as his name was revealed by Tony and was tugged down from the table and was sat back down into his chair.

"Uh shit. Peter, I meant Spidey. Who's Peter? Who said that? Not me."

"Wait backtrack, did you say Spidey was still in school? As in still a fucking child type of school?" Clint asked, his parental instincts kicking in.

"Nope! I'm in college. I'm not a child. I may act like one but I am also gen z."

"That makes sense. You act like you could still be in high school but there is no way in hell Stark would recruit a high schooler. Right Stark?" Natasha asked, giving Stark a death glare. She already knew the answer but they were trying to sell the fact that it could have been revealed that Peter was still in high school.

"Whatever, can we get back to the fact that Spidey just promised that he will commit arson?"

"Yeah, got a problem with that Wilson? If so, I can make sure you're next."

"Not at all just saying." Sam avoided Peter's gaze. Peter was all shit talk but nobody else needed to know that besides the two people in the room who knew him personally.

"Alright, thank you Spider-Man for that little outburst, let's get back to meeting on acting noble."


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