Child Safety Tether

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(Another Shit Post)

This is three times Peter has run off and given Tony another gray hair each time. And one time he finally learned.


Peter and Tony were walking around New York City during the holiday season. They were shopping for Christmas presents for the other Avengers. As they were walking and talking, Tony's phone rang.

"Alright kid, stay right there. I am going to go over to that quieter place to answer the phone. Do not move. Understand?" Peter nodded his head and gave a mock salute with a cheesy smile. Tony just shook his head and went to answer the phone.

As Peter was looking around at the shop's windows, something caught his eye. Just a couple of stores down by where he was standing, there was a knife store. There was a gleaming dagger with a green and black leather handle. Just the gift for Loki!

Peter, disregarding Tony's words, he made his way down to the store and entered it. The store was almost empty besides him, the workers, and a couple of people browsing the store for knives or swords or daggers of some sort.

Peter went to the front of the store where one of the workers was and he asked them to get the one knife down from the display in the front. He got it down for them and Peter studied it. It was the right weight, length and sharpness for Loki. Peter knew because Loki let Peter hold one of their knives before. Of course, Tony was pissed about it but that is ok.

"How much is this dagger?" Peter asked after he made sure his credit card was in his pocket.

"It would usually be about fifty dollars but I hand crafted that dagger myself and you are the first person to even want to look at it, I'm going to make it forty dollars. It's the holiday season." The worker said as he took the knife and started to wrap it like a gift after Peter said it was going to be a gift.

"You know, this dagger is a perfect gift for a god. Per say a god of mischief." The man winked at Peter who widened his eyes. 

"How did you know?" The old man just smiled at Peter with a twinkle in his eyes and handed him the now wrapped dagger 

"Thank you, the dagger was crafted amazingly." Peter paid for the dagger, wished a happy holiday to the worker, and left the store with his gift for Loki in his hand.

As he was walking back to the spot he was standing at earlier, a rough hand grabbed him. The hand pulled him to the side. Peter was about to scream bloody murder but when he saw who's hand it was he calmed down. The arm turned him around and he contemplated screaming bloody murder when he saw Tony's angry face.

"Peter Benjamin Parker! I told you to stay right there! What did you do? You ran off! I don't even want to hear an excuse. You ran off, I thought you were kidnapped, and I got another gray hair. What do you have to say for yourself!?" Tony hissed at Peter.

"I'm sorry Mr. Stark." Tony grabbed Peter's arm again and dragged him with him.

"We are going back to the tower. I don't care if we don't have everything. I am this close to putting you in the corner for a time out."

"Not again!"


Once again, Peter and Tony were walking around New York City. This time it was to finish the Christmas shopping since last trip was cut short because of Peter's foolish running away like a fucking five year old.

Tony was not letting Peter out of his sight. At some points, Peter would start wandering. If that happened, Tony would grab Peter by the hood of his jacket and bring him closer to where he was walking.

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