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This is two times Peter had been Tony's shadow. 

(Age: Seven Months)

Tony lifted Peter into his high chair as he was getting ready to feed the little gremlin his lunch. But as soon as Tony set Peter down, he started having a total meltdown. Tony picked Peter up and sighed. The past couple of hours, Peter had to be glued to Tony.

Tony walked back to his room and pulled out the little backpack thing that parents use to hold babies on them while they could use their hands to do stuff. He strapped Peter into that and hoped that the baby would stay calm. And he did. Baby Peter laid his head on his dad's chest and started into the blue light the arc reactor gave off.

Tony smiled as his son was completely amazed by it and lifted a little hand up to touch it. Tony ran a hand through the young child's tiny curls and walked back to the kitchen. Tony grabbed a bottle and started making it, making sure the milk wasn't too hot of course. He gave the bottle to Peter and of course helped him with holding it up.

After Peter was done with his lunch, he put his head back on his father's chest. Tony's heart swelled with cuteness overload and pride. Since Peter would be falling asleep soon, Tony decided to go down to the lab and work for a bit. He had a pack and play already down there and a section in the lab that was baby proofed. Probably more than necessary but Tony wasn't going to take any risks.

Peter wasn't able to walk yet so Tony wasn't worried too badly about Peter wandering off. Just crawling to where his dad was, he never made it far before Dum-E would grab him and bring him back over to his little "station". That was like the only reason Tony had that stopped him from donating the robot to a community college sometimes.

Tony walked down to the lab and by the time he got there, Peter was fast asleep. Tony put his gremlin of a kid into his pack and play before going back to his station in hopes the baby wouldn't wake up when he realized that he had been put down.

About two hours later, Tony was half way under a car repairing it when he heard a little giggle. Tony smiled and rolled from under the car to see what his kid was laughing about. When he saw that there was no kid, he started to panic.

"FRIDAY? Where is Peter?!" Tony went over to the baby proofed part of the lab and looked all over.

"You might want to look behind you, boss." Tony turned around and what he saw almost made him cry.

His kid was standing on a table where his Iron Man gauntlet and helmet were getting repaired. Peter had on said helmet and gauntlet. Peter had his hand out like Tony always did to shoot the repulsors. Thank gods Tony turned off all of the equipment or else Tony and the lab would be fried.

"How did Peter get up on the table?" Tony asked his AI.

"Peter decided today was the day he would take his first steps. He then climbed up on the chair and then climbed up on the table. And don't worry boss, I got his first steps recorded for you." FRIDAY explained. Tony thanked her and went to grab Peter.

"You took your first steps huh? I'm so proud of you!" Peter just laughed and made a little 'pow' while pointing his armored hand behind Tony, pretending to take some bad guys out. Tony kissed his son's helmeted head and tapped the helmet. Even with the equipment being off, the face plate would come up. So Peter's adorable face was in view. The helmet was like ten sizes too big so it kept falling down. Peter then would huff and shove it back up. It went on like that while Tony just laughed.

All the while FRIDAY was recording and adding it to the 'Peter'. Tony wouldn't find out till later when we went to go see his son taking his first steps.

(Age: Six)

Today Tony had a press conference to talk about the Avengers and their latest big battle. A bunch of bots from space came down and tried to take over the earth. Like they do every other week. 

As Tony was getting ready, he heard someone come into his room since the door was open. He looked over and saw his son who looked like he just woke up with his Iron Man blanket and Thor pajamas. All of the Avengers loved Peter and he loved them. They would always get him their own merchandise and he wore it loudly and proudly.

"Hey buddy. How did you sleep?" Tony said while walking over to his son and picked him up and set him down on his hip. Peter mumbled a 'good' and rubbed his eyes. It took Tony all of his willpower and some to not coo at the little boy.

"Where are you going?" Peter asked/ mumbled into his father's chest.

"I have a press conference today."

"I wanna go too." Tony sighed. His son never liked the loud noises and such but always loved being next to his dad while acting like a super important boss man dude. Peter's words, not Tony's.

"Are you sure underoos?" Peter nodded his head.

"Right, then get ready Mr. Boss Man. If it gets too much, just go to Uncle Happy or Uncle Rhodey." Peter nodded his head and walked to his room. Peter has been getting dressed by himself so he just let him do it. Peter always matched his clothes so he wasn't worried.

Tony usually wouldn't let Peter into press conferences but since one time about a year ago, Peter ran onto the stage while his dad was talking because Peter built a spaceship out of legos and he couldn't wait to show him. Everyone loved Peter and they usually respected him out in public. Peter never really got any rude comments besides the trolls that hate everyone but their god complexed selves.

Tony waited by the elevator for Peter when he saw his son come out. Tony almost choked on his coffee. Peter was dressed identically to him. From his hair being gelled back (with way too much gel) to his dress shoes. But what really struck Tony was Peter's face.

"Peter, did you put permanent marker on your face?" Tony asked slowly and hoped that he was wrong and he just got a hold of Wanda's, Nat's, Bucky's, or Loki's eyeliner. He so hoped for that.

"Nope! It said sharpie not permanent marker!" Tony groaned.

"Peter, that is permanent marker." Peter just shrugged and gave a simple 'oops'. Tony couldn't help but smile at the kid. He grabbed his hand and led him to the kitchen. He made some chocolate milk and put it in another thermos mug that Tony brings to meetings and conferences. He gave it to Peter along with an extra pair of his iconic glasses.

They walked to the elevator together and down to the stage where the conference was held. Not many people had shown up yet but he could see a lot more outside showing their badges to security to get in. Tony helped Peter up in his chair. Peter put on his glasses and set his mug down. He folded up his hand on the table like he has seen his father do a million times and put on his 'I may be cute but I am serious' face. Tony snuck a quick picture and sent it to Nat who replied instantly talking about how cute her little nephew and godson was. Tony then sat down next to Peter.

*Time Skip To About Halfway Through The Conference*

"Mr. Stark, I have noticed you have a little shadow next to you." An old man said with a little smile on his face. Tony knew the man. He was Tony's favourite interviewer and has met Peter countless times.

"Ah yes, Peter decided he wanted to join me today. And before you ask, yes it is permanent marker on his face. I had no idea until after it was on. Parents, this is why you do not trust your kids to dress themselves. And explain to them that sharpie and permanent marker are the same thing." Tony explained while looking into one of the cameras dramatically. 

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