Snow Day (Young Peter)

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Just your average little wholesome post. I love young peter stories. 

Seven year old Peter was just waking up when he heard FRIDAY.

"Young Stark, today your school has been closed down due to the fact that there is lots of snow. Meaning that there is a snow day. I advise you to wake up your dad and demand that you go outside in order to have the most fun today." FRIDAY said with a slight amount of what sounded like amusement in her voice.

"Ok Miss FRIDAY!" Peter said with a slight lisp as his front two teeth were missing. Peter hopped out of bed and ran down to where his dad's room was. He opened the door and ran and jumped onto the bed. He kept jumping while yelling in order to make sure his dad would wake up.

"Daddy it's a snow day!" Peter was jumping when he felt two arms grab him and pull him down. He was pulled under the covers. He giggled because he knew who it was.

"Peter, go back to bed. It's seven in the morning." His dad cuddled him close without even opening his eyes.

"But it's a snow day!" Peter whined as he got out of his father's grip and jumped up on his stomach. Tony groaned from under the covers and pulled them over him even tighter.

"Peter go back to bed please. It's too early to go outside anyways. The sun hasn't even risen yet." Peter looked out the window and behold, Tony was right. Peter groaned and was about to leave to go back to his own bedroom when he felt an arm pull him under the covers. Again.

"I didn't mean you had to go back to your own bed bud." Tony laughed lightly. Peter cuddled closer to his dad. That's when he realized how tired he still was. The adrenaline from the excitement of a snow day wearing off. And just like that, Peter and Tony fell back asleep.

Peter and Tony woke up once again a few hours later to the smell of bacon and pancakes. Steve's pancakes. Peter jumped out of the bed and ran to the kitchen. Tony followed, just much slower and taking his time trying to wake up. He looked over to his clock and saw that it was just passing nine in the morning. A blessing when you have a hyper son who loves to be up at the ass crack of dawn. Hopefully that changes when he gets a bit older.

When Tony got to the kitchen, Peter was already devouring pancakes and bacon while Steve was trying to get him to slow down before he chokes. Tony shared a quick smile to Steve and Bruce who was also in the kitchen. Tony made a beeline to the coffee machine and made some coffee as he always does.

Once Tony got his coffee, Steve handed him a plate with food. Tony thanked him and then sat down next to his son and Bruce who was reading what looked like a new report for his attest science experiment.

"Dad, can I try some coffee?" Tony shuddered at the thought of his son drinking coffee and having to deal with the effects.

"No. You're allergic. You will die in the most painful death if you drink it." Peter widened his eyes and went back to his apple juice.

All four pretty much ate in silence. Talking here and there. Everything was calm. Well, until Peter asked for more pancakes and Steve went to go get more when he saw that the entire plate was empty. Steve grabbed the broom and started hitting the ceiling right where the vent door was. Right above where the pancakes were. The door popped open and Clint fell out. Clint fell on the floor and groaned while Peter laughed.

"Clint, what have I said about stealing food into the vents?" Steve stood over him with his arms crossed.

"Not to, but hear me out, you pretty much asked for it. You put the plates directly under my vent door. I mean I took it as a sign saying, Hey Clint! Those are all for you!" Steve rolled his eyes. Steve came back with some more bacon and just gave Peter that after apologizing who was still kind of laughing at Clint.

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