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Happy Halloween everyone!!! I hope everyone has a spooky and trickful night!!

Peter Parker. A fifteen year old boy with a love for Halloween. A huge love. This year being no different. With Aunt May away for work for a couple of weeks, Peter was staying at Stark tower with his other guardian, Tony Stark.

It was about three days before Halloween and Peter could not be more excited. Today, it was a very chilly day in New York City and all of the leaves were falling. If they were not yet painting the ground in colours of orange, red, yellow, and brown, then they were painting the trees a beautiful typical fall colour.

Peter woke up and decided that today was the day that he was going to do the ghost photoshoot. He even convinced Mr. Stark to go with him. Thankfully, he did not have to wait till the night time since the photos he was doing did not require that.

It was only one in the afternoon and he and Tony were going to go do it at about three when Tony got out of his meeting since Pepper did not accept the fact that Tony was going to skip another meeting for "Spooky Season" activities. Even though Peter was very close to convincing her with his little puppy dog eyes. But nonetheless, Peter had to wait. So with that, Peter decided to spend his time scrolling through Disney to find a few Halloween episodes. He decided to watch a few Treehouse Of Horror episodes from The Simpsons. He was just finishing his fifth one when he heard the elevator ding. He jumped up when he saw Tony walk out of it.

"Hiya kiddo, give me like three minuets to change and get ready and we will head over. Do you want central park or the woods?" Tony said, walking over to Peter and giving him a hug and a loving kiss on the head.

"How about the woods since everyone does central park?" Peter asked hopefully. Tony nodded and went off to his bedroom to get ready.

Peter waited "patiently" for Tony to get done getting ready. Four minutes and thirty four seconds later, yes, Peter counted, Tony came out. Peter glared at Tony who put his hands up.

"Listen, keep glaring at me like that and you will have to take Ted."

"His name is Ned."

"Exactly what I said, let's go slowpoke." Tony was about to step in the elevator as Peter came bounding into it. Tony rolled his eyes at his kid.

On the entire way down, Peter was practically vibrating. Tony had to put his hand on top of his head to try and steady the kid before he had an aneurysm due to the excitement. As soon as they got out of the elevator, Peter raced out of the building and into the garage where he waited for Tony while still bouncing with a bag full of stuff he needed for the photoshoot in his hand. Tony just laughed at the excited boy and walked to the car he decided to take. It was one of his "less fancy" cars, yet still fancy to the average citizen.

The pair drove for about thirty minutes trying to find a forest which was quite hard considering that they were in New York City but they eventually found one. The entire ride there, Halloween music played while Peter sang and vibed along. Tony secretly recorded it and sent it to his Aunt who laughed in response and said that was his usual.

When they got there, Peter jumped out and waited for Tony to get out of the car. When he was finally out, Peter started to run off but Tony grabbed Peter's hood and pulled him back.

"Yeah no. You're going to stay with me since I am not letting you get lost." Peter groaned and they both walked into the woods and looked for the perfect spot. When they did, they took quite a few pictures and posted a couple on instagram which Peter's instagram grew rapidly and went viral when they saw him and Tony's pictures. And also the fact that Tony Stark took pictures with him and tagged him in his post.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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