Wade Wilson

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Wade Wilson (Wade is 17 while Peter is 16)

Little Wade and Peter moments while Tony is being a protective father


Peter looked up suddenly when he heard something hit the window. What he saw made him wish he was single again. Wade, or more commonly known as Deadpool was plastered against one of the windows in none other than the common room window. Peter rolled his eyes at his boyfriend who just waved at him.

Tony walked out of the kitchen with his eighth cup of coffee of the day. It was almost noon and he woke up at eleven thirty. Tony opened the window for what Peter thought was for Wade to get in but when Tony grabbed the broom Peter quickly got up so he could make sure Tony didn't hurt his boyfriend.

"Hey Mr. Father-In-Law sir! Ho- OW!" Wade exclaimed as Tony kept hitting the mercenary with a broom in hopes of getting him off of his window.

Peter grabbed the broom from Tony mid swing and threw it to the side.

"Mr. Stark no!"

"Mr. Stark yes!" Tony ran to grab the broom again to continue to hit Wade. Peter shot a web and threw the broom into the kitchen. Wade by then had climbed into the common room and had hugged Peter.

"Baby boy!" Wade lifted up his mask and sloppily kissed Peter's cheek. All of a sudden the two love birds could hear a repulsor charge up. They looked up and saw Tony had a gauntlet on and was pointing towards Wade. Wade Let go and ran around the tower while screaming with Tony hot on his trail.

*In the distance* 

"Did anyone else just see Iron Man beating Deadpool with a broom outside of his window?" 

"Grandpa, you're just getting old" 


Ah Christmas, the most beautiful time of the year. People are nicer, even Tony Stark. He was feeling so nice that he let Wade Wilson come over to the tower on Christmas morning. He even got him a gift, even though it was a purple scarf and Tony knew Wade hated scarves and the colour purple. It's the thought that counts right?

Everyone had given their presents to each other besides Wade's present to Peter. Wade left the room to grab the present. Next thing that everyone knew was that Wade had sexy music on and was serenading Peter while Clint shot bullets in the air and the shell casings fell on Wade as he leaned back into his chair. Peter was beet red but still watching it when his vision was covered. He saw red and a hand which meant it was Tony's hand and Doctor Strange's cloak, Levi.

"Wade what the fuck! I let you into the tower and this is what you do?!" Peter took the hand and cloak away from his vision just in time to see Wade being blasted by a repulsor blast. Wade was blasted with enough energy to die but Wade being you know, what he is, was just giving a pained laugh. Clint was out of sight now but Tony was looking for him since he was still a part in "corrupting his child's mind".

Oh did Peter love his Wade.

*Sorry this was so short!*

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