New Suit Changes

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This is a story inspired by a video by rileys_cosplay on tiktok!

Trans!Peter (Short Wholesome Post With A Bit Of Protective Happy Wholesomeness)

"Paige Parker, could you come up and grab your paper?" The teacher called out to Peter. Of course using his dead name like a fucking prick. The teacher was handing back papers and calling out students. No matter how many times Peter has asked her to use his preferred name and pronouns, she doesn't. Nobody besides MJ, Ned, Mr. Harrington, and the band/choir teacher, Mr. Lee. 

The bell soon rang and Peter got up as fast as he could to try and leave this horrid school. This horrid, transphobic, homophobic school. Peter would have asked to transfer by now but this school is his best chance of getting into MIT.

"Bye Paige! Have a good weekend girly!" Flash taunted Peter. Emphasizing on his dead name and the nickname "girly". Peter walked faster over to Happy's car trying not to cry. He was getting real sick of this. It's not like Peter hasn't come out. He came out over a month ago and asked everyone to call him Peter and use he/him pronouns. Hardly anybody used them though.

Outside of school it was better. His online friends called him by his preferred pronouns. Aunt May accepted him and is trying her hardest to get what he needs. Of course they don't have the most money but she makes sure she calls him by the correct name and pronouns and that is all Peter could ask for. Happy and Tony accepted him. Even all of the Avengers respected and accepted it.

Once Peter got into Happy's car, Happy knew something was wrong. He turned around and gave the kid a worried glance whose head was down in what looked like shame.

"Hey kid, what's wrong?" Happy may seem like he doesn't care for the kid but he does deep down in his cold hearted soul.

"Nothing Happy. I'm good." Happy rolled his eyes at the teenager who sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than the adult.

"Those people giving you a hard time again?" Peter shrugged. Happy sighed.

"Listen here, I am a former boxer, you tell me the names and I will beat them up." Peter laughed a little. Happy smiled, proud of the fact that he got Peter to laugh.

"Weren't you known for losing though Happy?" Peter looked up a bit and smirked.

"Damn, you Stark. Don't make me put up this divider, young man!" Both laughed and Happy started driving to the Avengers Tower.

"Speaking of Stark, he wants to see you and talk to you about something." Peter nodded his head. Peter couldn't see it but Happy had some sort of smile on his face. As if he knew what Tony was going to talk to the young boy about.

Soon Peter was walking to Tony's lab. He had no idea what this could be about so he was going into this blind.

"Hey Mr. Stark. You wanted to see me?" Tony looked up and smiled at Peter.

"Hey Pete! Yeah. Go put on your suit." Tony greeted him as he handed the suit to him. Peter looked at him in confusion.


"Just do it." Peter knew Tony wasn't going to give further explanation so he went and changed into it.

As Peter was putting on the suit, his chest area felt a bit different. He looked down and he saw how flat his chest was. Peter gasped and ran out of where he was changing.

"Did you see the change I made?" Tony asked with a light smile knowing damn well Peter saw.

"Y-you put in a binder?" Peter was feeling so happy.

"Yep! It will loosen up a bit when you move more since you should never exercise in one but when you aren't moving too much, it will tighten a bit more. I made sure it will be completely safe. I also have something else for you." Tony reached down to where a little box was.

He handed it to Peter who opened it after Tony gave him the motion to. Inside were two binders. Peter couldn't help it, he sobbed in absolute happiness.

"I put a little thing in there where it will tell me how long you have been wearing them. They are connected so you can't just switch and have the timer restart. I want to make sure you are completely safe, bud. I know you hate it when I give you stuff but I really wanted to do this." Peter ran into Tony's arms and just sobbed. He had never felt so happy.

"Thank you." Peter whispered.

"Anything for my kid." Tony whispered back as he hugged the kid tightly.

*Outside Of The Lab*

"FRIDAY, can you save that to the file "Irondad and Spiderson" please?"

"Already done. Miss. Potts, you seem to be crying, should I get your emotional support cat?"

"No thank you FRIDAY. These are tears of happiness." 

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