I Just Need Some Cuddles

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(Short Little Fluff Story)

Today was not Peter's day. First he woke up late which led to him being late for school which led to him getting detention and having to listen to the Captain America PSA's for an hour and a half. Let's not forget how much of an asshole Flash is.

Peter was so done with today. His teachers have piled him up with homework and he is just so drained. He just wants to get home and spend time with Aunt May.

Peter walked into his apartment to find it strangely quiet. Peter looked around calling for May. When he got to the kitchen he found a note on the counter.

"Hey Pete, knowing you, you won't check your phone so I'm letting you know that I had to go into work as I was on call. I'm sorry I couldn't be home tonight but my boss says that if I could come in, I would get the next two days off! I promise that I will spend it with you. We can watch whatever you want. You can go to the Avengers Tower tonight as I won't be home until about four in the morning. I larb you! <3 - May"

Peter sighed but understood. His Aunt was a hard worker and she would get the next two days off! That was a rare occasion. Peter shot a quick text to Tony asking if he could come over and started to leave after he got a text with a reminder that he never had to ask and he could just come over.

It took Peter a bit longer to walk over as he was just so tired and drained. Peter trudged in and out of the elevator. He walked over to where Tony was on the couch and just practically laid on him.

"Hey Pete, good to see you too. Something going on?" Tony started running his fingers through his curls and rubbed his back without even realizing it.

"I just need some cuddles." Peter responded, slightly muffled by the fact that his face was buried into Tony's chest. Tony slightly laughed and picked the kid up who wrapped himself like a koala bear.

Tony walked to his bedroom and walked over to his bed where he laid down and made himself comfortable all the while Peter was stuck to him like glue.

Tony put on a movie with his favourite actor, Stan Lee and continued to run his fingers through Peter's curls and rub his back. Neither were really paying attention to the movie. They were too focused on each other's company.

This was something that happened once in a while. Just where the two of them didn't say anything and enjoyed the company. Peter and Tony soon fell asleep cuddled up together.

*A Little While Later*

"Hey FRIDAY, can you take a picture and save it to the usual file?"

"Already done about an hour ago Dr. Banner. I also am a huge fan of this irondad and spiderson thing." Bruce laughed at the AI and left the two boys alone. He had wondered why he hadn't seen both of them for their usual lab time. 

Irondad and Spiderson One-shots (Mainly Fluff and Funny Stories)Where stories live. Discover now