Coming Out

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This is a bit of a heartfelt chapter I guess. But if you get my references in this chapter, I love you<3 I still love you if you don't.:))

Peter was putting his books into his locker when he heard MJ call him over. Next to her was this charming guy.

"Peter, this is Leo, he just transferred here and I thought he and you could make a new friend. You need more." Peter gasped in mock offence but waved the girl off anyways. Peter stretched out his hand to Leo.

"I'm Peter Parker, nice to meet you." Leo shook his hand.

"Leo Spencers. Nice to meet you too." (Yes, I just did that. Fight me whores.) Peter felt a light blush coming up on his cheeks. 'Damn you homo gods!' He thought. The two were exchanging words since they had the same class together. Leo had this little smirk on his face and his curly black hair was pulled into some sort of bun. He pulled it off.

Leo said that he was from L.A and it was obvious he was from the west coast. Leo had on a Hawaiian shirt with khaki shorts. Since his top was unbuttoned, he was wearing a white muscle tank top underneath. You could see his muscles. Peter had to keep averting his eyes.

"Mr. Parker, please see me after class." He heard Mr. Vetter, his astronomy teacher, say. Peter snapped out of his thoughts and nodded his head. Peter couldn't stop thinking about Leo.

Soon the bell rang and Peter made his way up to his teacher's desk. Once all of the kids left, Mr. Vetter decided to speak.

"Peter, you had more stars in your eyes than were mentioned in my lesson today. And that is all we talked about. Who is the lucky person you can not seem to get your mind off? I suspect it's name goes along with a constellation." Mr. Vetter sat down at his desk and put his feet up with a knowing smirk.

"Yep. I am in love with someone by the name of Capricorn." Mr. Vetter laughed and tossed Peter a water bottle and a granola bar.

"I think it begins with an L. Right category of stars. It's in the zodiac stars."

"Yes. Tonight I am confessing my love to Libra."

"How about, you have a crush on the new surfer boy, Leo Spencers. I heard he was taken by a girl named Evelynn." Peter's mood faltered a bit at the name of this Evelynn girl.

"Don't worry Peter, he kept looking at you pretty much the entire class. His head was in the clouds too. Now, let me write you a pass to your next class and let me make a couple changes into our seating chart. Sheamus and Logan are getting a bit too rowdy for my liking." Peter took the pass from Mr. Vetter and thanked him before leaving for his next class, calculus.

Peter walked into the Avengers Tower on cloud nine. He had almost every class with Leo and they sat next to each other as much as they could. And it turns out that Leo and Evelynn broke up because it turns out that Leo was gay. They were still friends.

"-Peter?" He snapped out of his thoughts as he heard his name being said. He turned around and saw Tony with a concerned look on his face.

"Hey Mr. Stark, I didn't see you there."

"You didn't hear me either. Everything alright?" Tony asked while walking over to Peter and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah. Everything is fine. What were you saying?"

"I was asking how your day was at school and when you were not responding I was asking if you were mad at me or something."

"Oh, not at all, I was just thinking." Peter shrugged.

"What about?" Tony asked as he led him and Peter into the living room. It was just the two of them in there. Everybody else was probably doing something else.

"Oh just this boy named Leo, he's super cu-" Peter stopped. Up until this moment, he had no idea what he was really talking about since Leo kept entering his mind. Peter remembered that he had not been out to Tony yet.

Peter got up quickly and even more quickly, left the living room to go back to his bedroom while ignoring the calls of Tony. Peter quickly got into his Spider-Man suit and left, swinging from building to building. Peter was scared. He had no idea how Tony felt about this stuff let alone his "kid" being gay.

Peter swung to the top of a building and just sat on the edge. Thinking about what he did. There is no way that he could go back there after just "coming out" like that. Peter stayed like that for a little while. Just zoning out thinking about what he was going to do. Peter was also people watching. He laughed as he watched people go about their days but some minor inconvenience bothered them, like spilled coffee or tripping over the curbs. He even heard this old man yell to his neighbor. They talked about complete nonsense. 

That was until he heard something behind him. His Peter Tingle™ said that it was non-threatening so he ignored it. That was until he found the presence next to him. He looked over to see Tony. Peter was about to speak before Tony put a hand up.

"Listen kiddo, I know that you ran out of there because you thought that I would be upset over the fact that you like guys. I'm not. I promise. You are still my kid, whether you like it or not and just because you like them doesn't mean that I like you any less. Also, news flash, I like guys too. Did you really think that Capsicle and I didn't do anything? Let's go back to the tower and you could tell me about this new Leo kid." Tony got up and reached his hand out for Peter to take it. Peter grabbed it and they walked over to where Tony's suit was.

"Do you mean it Mr. Stark?"

"What, that I had sex with Capsicle? Yeah I did it more than once." Peter covered his ears and turned a dark hue of red.

"No! I meant that you didn't care that I was gay."

"Well then, of course I meant it. Everything I said was true, even the sex wit-"

Peter cut Tony off by screaming while Tony just laughed at him. 

And when Peter was sat next to Leo in his astronomy class, he didn't say anything about it. He knew what Mr. Vetter was doing when he saw him wink at Peter and Leo. 

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