The morning after.

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Y/n awakes after the best nights sleep she's had for the past 3 years not sure if it was the change of bed or the fact she finally felt apart of her dads world.

Wanda: Y/N BREAKFAST! (Wanda shouts from the kitchen)

In your mind (breakfast being made for me I could get used to this)

You make your way to the kitchen and see a fresh stack of pancakes. Wanda walks over to you with some whipped cream.

Y/n : how did you know I wanted whipped cream?

Wanda: I'll say it again but slowly.

You both say it at the the time but you say it mockingly (I can read minds)

Wanda: alright enough (she laughs) you're training with me later around 11am if that's okay?

Y/n: yeah that's fine. Quick question?

Wanda: yeah?

Y/n: is Romanoff single?

Her face quickly changes from a smile to a saddened look.

Wanda: yeah, why do you like her?

Y/n: I don't like anyone I've only been here a day.
what about you, do you like anyone?

A tear falls from her eye as she quickly swipes it away and walks away to her room.

In your mind ( what did I say?)

You finish up eating your pancakes, have a shower and head to the training room since it's 11am. Wanda isn't there but you see your dad by the punching bag.

Y/n: hey dad, you seen Wanda anywhere?

Steve: I actually saw her about an hour ago she barged past me into her room I wasn't sure if she was upset or just in a rush so I just came to do some training why is everything okay?

Y/n: I'm not sure, earlier she made me pancakes and seemed happy. She asked me if I liked anyone I said no not yet anyway so I asked her the same question and she stormed off.

Your dad looks at you with a sympathetic look confusing you.

Y/n: what? She asked me so I asked her back I don't see a problem would you care to explain?

Steve: I'm sorry y/n it's not my place go talk to her and listen I know how much you like to talk (he laughs but please just listen to her.

You look at him with a weird look and decide to go to her room.

Y/n: thanks for the talk.

Steve: anytime.

You're on your way to her room dreading what could have made her react so badly to a simple question. You get to her door and knock.

Y/n: hey wanda, you in there? I'm sorry about earlier I didn-

The door unlocks and slowly opens she's sat on her bed crying.

Y/n: hey what's the matter? Is it me? I'm sorry if I upset you.

Wanda pats the space on the bed next to her gesturing for you to sit.

Wanda: it isn't your fault I thought I was better i thought I could manage to think about it without being upset but I was wrong.

You just sit there listening

Wanda: well a couple years ago when I joined the avengers I met someone called vision he was a wonderful person and when the whole thanos trying to destroy half of everyone on earth thing happened he killed him. Since then I've been coping well but obviously not well enough.

You hug her tightly when an idea pops into your head.

Y/n: hey want to get some coffee?

She smiles

Wanda: yeah I would love to go out take my mind off of things.

You and Wanda get into your car and drive to a local coffee shop you order two iced coffees and you spend the next couple hours talking about anything and everything.

Y/n: omg it's 6pm we should head back to the compound.

Wanda: great idea I'm driving this time though I'm too scared to get into a car with you driving again (she laughs)

Y/n: I'm not that bad.

Wanda: I think I prayed for my life at least 6 times on the way over here aha

Y/n: yeah, yeah. Fair enough you can drive let's go home.

You and Wanda arrive at home when tony comes rushing into the living room.

Tony: about time you two arrived where were you?

You and Wanda: we went for coffee.

Tony: ew stop talking at the same time freaking me out aha anyway party tonight 8pm get ready.

Y/n: any reason for the party tonight?

Tony: yeah you duh! To celebrate you becoming an avenger and everything. (He says sarcastically)

Y/n: oh wow Thank you haha.

Tony: no problem, now go get ready!

You and Wanda both head to your own rooms to get ready for tonight's party.

In your head (spending time with Wanda today was actually pretty fun) :)

Why is love so hard Wanda x Nat x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now