The question.

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y/n: nat... i know.

Nat: you knew, why didn't you say anything?

y/n: because I'm in love with Wanda and us talking about feelings never goes well. there was no point in me saying anything because it doesn't matter; i still love Wanda. why are you telling me this now? why not when i got back?

Nat: you're going to ask her to marry you.

y/n: what? how do you even know that? ive only told two people. ( sudden realization hits you) and one of them was your sister...

Nat: don't blame her, she was looking out for me; i wanted to at least tell you how i felt before you did anything.

y/n: well, I'm still going to ask her to marry me... i love her. I'm sorry nat.

Nat: i thought as much, well I'm happy for you.

she pulls you into a hug before walking back upstairs. you can feel the guilt but you push it down focusing on making today perfect. you go out to balcony and start setting up for the evening, there's a row of rose petals leading down towards a table where a candle lit dinner sat. there's polaroid photos of you both strung up and the fairy lights on the balcony. you head upstairs and get changed into a black suit with a bowtie on and you call Wanda to see where she is.

On the phone:

y/n: hey babe where are you?

Wanda: i had to do some training, why?

y/n: well, the dates ready. how long are you going to be?

Wanda: about 20 minutes ill just come up, have a quick shower and get dressed.

y/n: okay babe will I'm in the room anyway so ill see you soon.

Wanda: okay babe.

after about 5 minutes Wanda walks into the room and stops dead in her tracks when she looks at you.

Wanda: oh my god, baby you look so cute.

y/n: thanks babe, you look sweaty.

Wanda: wow thanks.

she laughs as she walks into the bathroom and gets in the shower. once she gets out she goes back into the bedroom and you're no where to seen. she sees a note on the table.

The note.

y/n: hey baby, when you're ready come out to the balcony ill be waiting. i love you.

she places the note back on to the table and makes her way downstairs.

wandas POV.

once i got downstairs i saw y/n looking as gorgeous as ever she was stood at the double doors leading to the balcony, i couldn't help but notice the massive smile on her face as she saw me god i love this woman. as i made my way to doors she held out her hand and lead me to the table. there was a row of petals scattered around the floor, fairy lights hung up and pictures of our trips strung up. it felt magical, now matter how pretty the room was i could barely take my eyes off of her.

y/n POV.

god is definitely a woman i thought to myself as she walked towards me, she looked so beautiful. i couldn't take my eyes off of her i pulled her hand into mine and guided her to the table she seemed mesmerized by her surroundings, the shimmer of the light in her eyes made the emerald colour shine even brighter. 

y/n: hi, gorgeous.

Wanda: hiya babes, you really did pull out all the stops. ( she laughs)

y/n: the best for the best, lets sit.

Wanda: ooo, what we eating?

y/n: well we have, chicken quesadillas for starters, salmon and veggies for main and blueberry pie for desert.

Wanda: babe, that sounds delicious, i hope you didn't cook it though ( she laughs)

y/n: you're so rude, but no i didn't cook it. 

you both laugh and start eating dinner once you get to desert you start to get nervous thinking about what you were going to say over and over in your head. you finish eating and you look at her, her smile make you smile its so contagious. you stand up and get down on one knee.

Wanda: babe what are you doing?

y/n: wanda...

Wanda: babe? 

y/n: from the moment i first saw you and you threw me into the table i knew you would change my life forever. from the way you make me laugh to the way you make me cry i love all of it, i love all of you. i know we've had our ups and downs by that i mean me almost dying twice and well the memory loss ( you both laugh) anyway i know you're the one for me. you're the one i think of when I'm sad, when I'm happy and when I'm alone. i couldn't imagine not walking up next to your beautiful face everyday. what I'm trying to say is i love you. Wanda Maximoff will you marry me?

Wanda: of course will dork, i love you so much. 

you place the ring on her finger and kiss her hand standing up and kissing her for some reason it felt different, it felt better. you pull away when you see people stood outside the double doors clapping.

Yelena: oh my god guys I'm so happy for you!

peter: congratulations!

tony: party time!

y/n: thanks guys it means a lot, come on babe lets go get ready for this party.

she rolls her eyes and you teleport you both upstairs.

Wanda: you really surprised me today.

y/n: good, now come here.

her lips turned into a huge smile i loved it when she smiled she was so beautiful she bit her lip as she looked at me i pulled her into my arms as our lips touched.

y/n: god, you're perfect.

Wanda: babe, you're the perfect one.

you both get dressed into casual dresses before heading back down to the party.

Wanda: babe don't get too drunk tonight, I've got a surprise.

you smirked at her smacking her ass.

Wanda: oi, i mean hot but oi, save that for the bedroom.

y/n: yes sir.

you go over to the bar and get you and Wanda both a drink on your way back to the table you bump into Yelena.

Yelena: oh hey, didn't see you there. congratulations.

y/n: don't speak to me.

Yelena: what?

you don't even respond you turn around walking back to everyone but she grabs your arm.

Yelena: what the fuck is wrong with you?

y/n: i thought i could trust you, you sat there saying were bestfriends but i ask you to keep one secret and you tell the person i didn't want to know. your plan failed by the way, she told me she loved me but i already knew.

Yelena: and?

y/n: and by the fact i just got engaged you probably know how the rest of that conversation went. 

Yelena: she loves you, more than you know.

y/n: i know, she obviously doesn't love me that much since the moment i left she fucked my dad again and has been ever since. i can never trust her again and I'm starting to think i cant trust you either.

Yelena: y/n I'm sorry.

y/n: if you'll excuse me I'm going to go back to my fiancé, you know Wanda the one and only woman i love. do me a favor and try and mess up someone else's relationship I'm tired of people trying to ruin mine.

Yelena: I'm sorr-

before she can finish her sentence you go and sit back with the group handing Wanda her drink and spending time with everyone laughing and joking through the night.

Why is love so hard Wanda x Nat x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now