Difficult conversations.

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the pain over taking my body i can hear the faint whispering next to me i could feel the weight of someone's hand on mine, i slowly open my eyes to reveal the red head leaning over me with a worried look on her face i grip her hand tighter before shifting and sitting up in bed she settles back into the chair i could tell she wanted to say something but didn't to be fair i had no idea what to say either.

y/n: hey...

Nat: hey, how are you feeling?

y/n: I'm as good as i can be i guess, where Steve?

Nat: i think hes gone for a run, he had to clear his head.

y/n: why, is he okay? he seemed fine earlier.

Nat: he was, i had to talk to him about stuff...

y/n: what stuff?

Nat: we broke up, i couldn't be with him anymore hes such a nice person, caring, funny and genuine but being with him wasn't fair on me or him. i love someone else...

you pull your hand away from hers with a look of shock on your face.

y/n: why would you do that?

Nat: i love you... i hate myself for it but i do. when you left he was there for me and i used him as a distraction but ever since you came back you've been the only thing on my mind.

y/n: so you just used him, what the fucking hell Nat? i know he hurt me by sleeping with you but it gives you no right to use him and then chuck him away like a used tissue hes my dad for fuck sake. just leave...

Nat: y/n please, i love you and i know you love me.

y/n: i did, i do... but I'm with Wanda and right now i cant stand to look at you please leave.

Steve: you heard her, she wants you to leave so leave.

Nat: okay... we need to talk later y/n.

y/n: maybe.

she looks down to the floor ashamed paying no attention to Steve on her way out, he comes to sit next to you and looks down towards the floor you grab his hand and rest it in yours.

y/n: I'm so sorry.

Steve: don't be stupid you have nothing to be sorry for. she's the one who hurt me not you.

y/n: i know, but i cant help but feel a little guilty.

Steve: its not your fault honestly, ill get over it... ill get over her eventually i just need time to heal, ill ask tony if he can put us on separate missions so i don't have to be around her all the time.

y/n: once I'm healed ill come on missions with you, i missed you dad.

Steve: i missed you too, i love you.

y/n: i love you too.

the main door opens and Bruce walks in with a clipboard in one hand and a pair of crutches in the other.

y/n: you've got to kidding me.

you roll your eyes and they burst out laughing.

Bruce: well good new and the bad news ( he says in between laughs) the good news, you're free to leave... the bad news is you have to use these for at least a week. ( he says while him and Steve are still laughing).

y/n: alright enough with the laughing you idiots, Bruce do i really have to use these I'm fine.

Bruce: I'm afraid so...

y/n: fine, the sooner i can get out of here the better. give them to me.

he passes you the crutches and you attempt to move around the room testing them out with a couple of hiccups you finally move around the room without a problem you hear the laughs behind you but you chose to ignore them.

y/n: okay i  think I've figured these out, am i free to leave now?

Bruce: yes, just be careful y/n.

y/n: i will thankyou Bruce, for everything I've got to go but ill speak to you both later.

you smile at them both using the crutches to walk out of the room and to the elevator no way are you risking walking up the stairs with these things. The elevator arrives on the second floor , you step out and head for your room. you try to to open the door but its locked.

y/n: Wanda? baby are you in there.

Wanda: y/n, please leave me alone.

y/n: Wanda, please i need to talk to you...

Wanda: and i need some space.

y/n: please let me in, we don't even have to talk. i just need to see you... i miss you baby. 

you lean against the wall to try and take some pressure off of your legs. you hear the lock click and the door slowly opens to reveal a crying Wanda lay on the bed, as you walk in she wipes her tears away trying to hide her emotions. you walk over to the bed and and can see her grinning and slight laughs escape her lips.

y/n: go on.

Wanda: I'm sorry, its just really funny seeing you using them.

she carries on laughing as you place them on the floor and get on to the bed laying next to her she places her hand in yours and the laughter stops.

y/n: Wanda, i am truly sorry.

Wanda: i know... but what does this mean for us? i mean were engaged.

y/n: nothings going to change. i love her and i cant help it but i love you and i want to be with you... i want a future with you.

Wanda: you still love her, how do i know you wont change your mind further down the line?

y/n: you don't, but all i can ask is that you trust me. i will never cheat on you... ever.

Wanda: i know that... but she still loves you and i doubt she's going to let you go so easy especially now you remember her and your feelings for her are back i know i wouldn't.

y/n: do you trust me?

Wanda: of course i do dork.

y/n: then that's all that matters, i love you and you love me... lets just be happy and ignore everyone else.

Wanda: okay baby.

she turns to you and lays her head on your chest with her hand on your stomach she starts to drift away when there's a loud Nosie and Jarvis comes over the speaker.

Jarvis: Mr. stark is planning a party for 8pm tonight to celebrate y/n being home everyone's presence is mandatory.

y/n: great.

Wanda: it'll be fine well just sit away from her if that's what you want.

y/n: that'll just make it awkward ill be fine, will you?

Wanda: as long as you're with me ill always be fine.

y/n: I'm with you till the end of the line.

Wanda: where have i heard that before?

y/n: my dad ( you laugh) I've heard him say it to Bucky and i love the saying so I'm keeping it.

Wanda: i love it, I'm with you till the end of the line.

you kiss her cheek and get up leading her to the shower you both shower together and get ready for the party you decide to wear a light blue dress that comes just above the knee and Wanda wears a black dress that looks similar to yours, you finish doing each others make up and after a kiss on her forehead you put your flat shoes on as heels would be almost impossible with crutches and she holds your arm to support you helping you down the stairs.

Why is love so hard Wanda x Nat x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now