why isn't she waking up?

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Wanda: you broke your promise...

your body lay limp on the floor full of bullet wounds as you struggle to breath everyone other than tony surrounded you as he was flying the plane home. Bruce started preforming cpr.

Bruce: everyone stand back i need some space. 

he preforms cpr for the next 5 minutes swapping between him and Steve the whole way home trying to keep your heart going. once you arrive back the compound Steve carries your body where Helen Cho has been preparing for your arrival. Steve places you on the bed before stepping away letting Bruce and Helen take over. they begin shocking you trying to start your heart once again.

Bruce: its  not working we need more power!

Helen: its as high as it goes.

Thor rushes into the room.

Thor: maybe i can be of some assistance.

he lifts his hammer up in the air and gathers as much electricity as she could before shocking your body causing your heart to beat rapidly. 

Bruce: Thor whatever you did worked.

Steve: if it worked why isn't she awake? 

Bruce: it started her heart but the pain is too much to handle its her body's way of coping. someone needs to tell Wanda what's happening. 

Steve: what am i meant to tell her?

Bruce: just tell her she's alive and to hope for the best.

Steve hesitantly leaves the room to go find Wanda. she's sat in your room holding her hoodie you were wearing before the mission. it still smelled of you. he sits next to her on the bed and put his arm around her shoulder.

Wanda: any news?

Steve: she's healing but she's still asleep Bruce said its her body's way of coping with the pain.

Wanda: I'm sorry... i should've been there to protect her.

Steve: its no ones fault we couldn't of known about that room or that they were going to do anything like this.

Wanda: she promised to stay safe. why couldn't she have been selfish this one time.

Steve: you and me both know she's not like that she would do anything to save the people she loves.

Wanda breaks down while Steve comforts her. Nat came to sit with you after Bruce preformed surgery to take the bullets out and stitch you up. she grips your hand tightly.

Nat: come on now y/n how long you planning to sleep for. ( she laughs through her tears)

The next morning Nat is still by your side she fell asleep, Wanda had slipped in the room last night and lay on the bed with you. she couldn't fall asleep on her own and she wanted to be with you. Nat wakes up and taps wandas shoulder waking her up.

Nat: hey Wanda? 

Wanda: yeah Nat?

Nat: do you want anything to eat i  haven't seen you eat since yesterday.

Wanda: no I'm okay ill just order something later.

Nat: leaves to go make breakfast while Wanda takes her seat holding your hand.

Wanda: come on baby enough, enough i missing you like mad. i need your laugh, your sarcasm and your hugs please come back to me.


Nat had started going on mission again but spent all her spare time looking after you, Wanda had never left your side. Nat comes back from a mission to visit you and sees Wanda asleep in the chair.

Nat: hey Wanda.

she slowly wakes up.

Wanda: yeah Nat?

Nat: how is she doing? 

Wanda: Bruce came to check on her about an hour ago he said her body was close to being healed however her mind was a different subject. she wont wake up we have tried everything. i just miss her nat.

Nat: i know Wanda i miss her too. some times i sit here and i see her eyes twitch or it looks like her hands moved yet nothing. i just want to hear her dorky laugh one more time.

Nat and Wanda break down in each others arms.


Wanda still hadn't left your side, bringing you pancakes every morning in hopes you'll wake up to eat breakfast with her, yet nothing. Nat had been visiting you less and less Wanda could tell it was hard for her seeing you like this. she felt like it was her fault even though it wasn't. 

Steve: Wanda its not healthy for you to be sat here all day everyday.

Wanda: i know but i cant leave her... what if something happens?

Steve: ill be here. go for a shower and take a walk, get some fresh air you haven't left in what over a month.

Wanda: i know I've just been scared to leave her side. (a tear rolls down her cheek)

Steve: i know i miss her too now go get some fresh air ill be here.

Wanda: thanks Steve if anything happens call me straight away.

Wanda had finally left for the first time she took a shower and took a long walk taking in all her surroundings the sun shining on her skin the taste of crisp air and the smell of freshly cut grass she missed it. she sit at your spot next to the lake, please y/n i need you ( she whispers) she goes back to the compound of a little while to see Steve asleep holding your hand and wakes him up telling him he can go if he wants but he decides to stay Wanda climbs on your bed and cuddles into you falling asleep once again.  

Why is love so hard Wanda x Nat x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now