Our wedding day.

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once I wiped my tears and mustered up enough courage to finally walk back towards the compound I saw Wanda and Nat stood outside with worried looks on their faces. part of me hoped I wasn't gone long enough for them to notice but they're the smartest people I know of course they did. once we got close enough we caught their eye line and they came running over to me as fast as they could. "baby where the hell  have you been?" Wanda questioned pulling me in to her arms. "I just went to the lake, I'm guessing you saw her?" "yeah... but don't worry Wanda made sure she knows not to come back here. what did she say?" Nat asks with a worried look as we started making our way back into the compound. "the things she said hit home... she said I treated you both like second choices and that I wasn't good enough for either of you." I admit trying to not let my tears fall. "baby, please tell me you're not taking her words seriously, she's demented she only said those things trying to get inside your head because she's in love with Wanda. you're more than enough for us, you make us feel like there's no one else in the world when its just us; you make me unbelievably happy I couldn't begin to describe how much I love you so please don't listen to anything she said." Nat said gently cupping my face. " I know its just when she said those things it scared me, to think I treated you any less than the princesses you deserved to be treated like hurt me and I just needed time to think, I love you both so much and I'm done letting other peoples thoughts or feelings dictate my actions. I cant wait to marry you both and I'm sorry if I made you doubt the love I have you two even if it was just momentarily." "you could never, now come on baby we have to get ready otherwise well never get to be Wanda and Nat y/l/n." Wanda said smiling as we went to the elevator. " ill see you both later, I love you," I said kissing both their cheeks before the door shut.


I could tell my breathing was starting to pick up when my dad placed his hand on my shoulder, I could lie and say I wasn't nervous buy my heavy breathing and sweaty complexion would prove me wrong. "hey kid you okay" "I'm good, I'm just nervous... its good to be nervous right?" I say slightly panicking. "it okay to be nervous, when I married your mum I ended up having to brush my teeth three times because I kept throwing up, god I was so nervous I didn't think I would be able to marry her but Howard was there for me just like I'm here for you; I'm with you until the end of the line." " thanks dad, I love you. I know we haven't always been close or even been able to be in the same room as one another but it means so much to me that you're the one by my side today" " I love you too kid" he said as the music started to play, oh god. " that's are cue, lets go, I'm by your side don't forget that" he said entwining his arm with mine I had one more quick glance in the mirror making sure I looked good before walking out the door down the isle. as I walked down my nerves started to settle as I saw the happy and smiling faces of some of my best friends, after what felt like forever we reached the end of the isle and Steve patted my shoulder before standing just off to the side. " hey tony, looking cool" "well, you did pick out my outfit" he replied smiling, we chuckled between our selves and suddenly their song started playing my my hands started shaking. 

I turned my head around to see Yelena hand in hand with Nat and peter hand in hand with Wanda. I don't know what came over me but as soon as I saw them I felt a tear run down my face and they both looked at my with soft smiles I couldn't take my eyes off of them. I've said it once and ill say it again god is definitely a woman. after what felt like eternity the finally reached me and I took both their hands in mine while peter made his way next to Steve and so did Yelena. 

"I'm sorry I have no idea why I'm crying" I say wiping my eyes. "stop crying you'll make me cry" Nat admits wiping the fresh tears out of her eyes as Wanda starts crying. " for gods sake will you two stop crying were going to ruin our makeup and I want to look good for the wedding photos" wand jokes as the crowd laughs. " okay, lets start before they cry even more the little babies" stark jokes as we all take our positions in front of him.

(I don't really know what the officiate says at weddings so I'm going to skip to the vows lol)

"I have been told that these young ladies have written their own vows so y/n take it away" stark jokes gesturing towards me as I pull a small piece of paper out of my pocket. 

"I'm so glad I wrote my vows down, I knew I would be a crying mess and trying to remember the words off of the top of my head would be harder than any mission I've been on" I joke whipping my fresh tears away. "life hasn't always been easy for any of us, I could stand here and tell you how much I love you both but those words mean nothing unless they are shown through actions and I promise to spend the rest of my life proving that. I promise to keep making light night trips to get  you chicken nuggets I promise to celebrate with you after every mission, I promise to stay my childish self and to never take life so seriously I promise to make you laugh everyday even if we don't feel like laughing , I promise to listen, I promise to travel beside you through all of life's adventures and I promise to always keep fighting for us, because I know we can overcome any uphill battles we may face. and lastly I promise I will chose you both every day, a million times over, not because I have to but because I want to. I love you both more than words can describe and I cant wait to spend our lives together." I say through tears. " Jesus" tony whispers as I see him use his tie to wipe his eyes. "okay, wandas next" he says almost in a whisper.

"growing up for me was hard I lost my family or so I thought until I joined this team and they became my family this is where I went on to meet the loves of my life it hasn't always been easy from comas to memory loss to an almost wedding I mean most of you were there you know what I'm talking about, life has been hard yet, I wouldn't change a single thing about it except from y/n almost dying multiple times" she jokes earing laughs. "yes, multiples time I know that woman is crazy but we love her so what can we do. like I was saying I wouldn't change anything the past couple of years no matter how hard they have been lead us to this exact moment and I couldn't be happier. I promise to love and cherish you both for the rest of our lives; you're my family now." "Jesus, what are you guys doing to me?" tony almost shouts cleaning his face. " sorry tony" Wanda laughs. " okay, lets carry on before we all start crying again" tony said gesturing towards nat.

"okay, you all know I'm not very good at speeches or even saying how I feel so I'm going to try my best... I never really had family apart from Yelena I grew up thinking love is just for children and that feelings are things that shouldn't exist because nothing is more important than a mission. but one day a very annoying bird man saved me from that life and brought me here to my family and I'm eternally grateful. I have made many mistakes during my time here but I mean who hasn't life is about making mistakes and learning from them and hoping people offer you forgiveness and I'm so glad these two beautiful women did because I have no idea what I would do without them. I promise to give all of me, to all of you because all of me, loves all of you." she finished quoting the song I wrote for them and sang the night of my bachelorette. 

"that was beautiful Nat and you said you cant say how you feel" tony jokes. "okay, Nat do you take y/n and Wanda to be you wives?" "I do" "and Wanda do you take Nat and y/n to be your wives?" "I do" "and finally y/n do you take Wanda and Nat to be your wives?" "of course I do" "okay now we'll exchange the rings" Morgan comes over with the rings on a pillow and holds it towards me we each take a ring and place it on the others finger. " I now pronounce you wife wife and wife you may kiss the bride!" tony shouts as I pull each of them in for a passionate kiss we all stand there breathless as I hear the cheers and clapping behind us. "NOW LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED" stark shouts.

Autor note: hey guys, sooooooo... after 91 chapters they finally god married! sorry if the vows are not amazing I was struggling to come up with something to say for each of them well I hope you enjoy :).

todays question is, who is your celebrity crush? mine would be Elizabeth Olsen for a woman and Chris Evans for a man; I'm gay but Chris Evans is just gorgeous lol.

Why is love so hard Wanda x Nat x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now