The flight.

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It feels as though you've only just closed your eyes and started to drift off to sleep before you're awaken by multiple alarms ringing.

Y/n: ugh did we all need to set alarms?
Nat: how else would your lazy ass get up?
Y/n: five more minutes please.
Wanda: come on we need to get up.

Nat straddles you and starts to kiss you tenderly before moving the kisses down your jaw and to you neck before she pulls away.

Y/n: that is not fair!
Nat: get up otherwise that's the last kiss you'll get all holiday.
Y/n: you're mean, ugh fine I'm up. We both know you couldn't resist me Romanoff.
Nat: I'm your dreams.
Wanda: will you two hurry up and get ready.
Nat: Wanda chill the flight isn't until 9 we have time.
Wanda: I'm sorry Nat, you know I'm a nervous flier.
Y/n: Wands it's fine, see I'm up I'll go for a shower then we'll have breakfast okay?
Wanda: okay.

You finally get out of bed and get in the shower you make it quick to not worry Wanda about timings, once you get out you double check your bag to make sure you have everything you need. Passport check, different shoes check, multiple outfits check, toiletries check. You pick your bag up and grab your phone charger before going downstairs to the kitchen Wanda and Nat are already sat at the table eating breakfast you decide on toast and coffee to be quick. God did the coffee help, you sit down next to Wanda and finish eating once they're both done you put your hand on Wanda's thigh and squeeze it gently just to let her know you're with her. She gives you a reassuring smile before standing up and grabbing her bag.

Wanda: the taxi will be here in 10 are you both ready?
Y/n: more than ready.
Nat: what she said.
Yelena: I hope you're not going without saying goodbye!
Y/n: of course not, bye.
Nat: what's that about?
Y/n: snitches end up *bang* in ditches.
Yelena: she would've found out anyway.
Wanda: she's right, now just make up.

She tries to pull you into a hug but you stretch your arm out and shake her hand.

Yelena: what's that about?
Y/n: twice you're broke my trust, fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.
Yelena: you can't be serious?
Y/n: oh hey Peter!
Peter: I came to say bye, I'll miss you.

You pull him into a hug a tear runs down his face.

Y/n: hey, hey don't cry I'm only going to be gone a week.
Peter: I know I'll just miss you.
Y/n: I'll miss you two, I'm only a phone call away call me anytime you need. I love you Pete.
Peter: I love you too y/n.
Y/n: come here.

You hug him again just as the taxi pulls up outside.

Wanda: hate to break this up but the cabs here.
Y/n: I'll see you soon Peter.
Peter: you better play PlayStation with me when you get back!
Y/n: of course bye everyone!
Yelena: bye y/n.
Y/n: yeah bye.

Nat slaps your arm as you pick your bag up and walk outside putting the bags in the taxi before getting inside. The drive to the airport is pretty silent apart from Nat giving the driver directions. I don't understand when people become taxi drivers if they don't know where to drive it's frustrating. The cab finally pulls up outside the air port and you pay the driver before grabbing your bags out of the boot and making your way throughout the air port finally an hour or so later you're finally ready to board the plane. You're sat in the window seat with Wanda next to you and nat on the isle seat you were originally sat in the middle but you know Wanda needs comfort so it's better if she's in the middle. You take your seats and you pull out headphones connecting them to your phone and playing music you're about 2 songs in when Nat takes the headphones off of your head.

Y/n: what?
Nat: do you want to talk about why you're so mad at my sister?
Y/n: nope, can I listen to my music now?
Wanda: can you stop acting like a child for 5 minutes.
Y/n: why is it every time i express my feelings or I'm not happy about something you say I'm acting like a child?
Nat: because you shut us out and build your walls back up ignoring us.
Y/n: sometimes I don't want to talk I would rather deal with it alone is that a problem? I wish you would let me just deal with it instead of making my feelings feel like they don't matter.
Wanda: of course they matter, but you're in a relationship you need to be able to talk to us you know that. If you're angry or upset you need to talk to us we might be able to help.
Y/n: fine. I'm upset with your sister because she's my best friend yet any chance she gets she betrays my trust, I have trust issues as it is and yet she still breaks my trust. I gave her the benefit of the doubt last time because she did it for you but this time there was no need. I would've ended up telling Wanda anyway yet she felt the need to snitch on me. I feel like I can't trust her, how am I supposed to be friends with someone I can't trust?
Nat: she would do anything for you, she loves you you know that right? Every time we're together she asks me where you are or what you're doing your her best friend she only told Wanda because she thought you wouldn't and she did the right thing.
Wanda: I'm glad she did because we sorted it out and now we're good, just promise me that when we get home you'll talk to her?
Y/n: fine, can I get back to my music now?
Nat: sure, what you listening to?
Y/n: arctic monkeys.

You put your headphones back on and before you know it you've fell asleep you wake up to the feeling of Wanda gripping your arm tight as the plane lands you lift your headphones off and look at her, you place a kiss on her cheek and rest your head on top of hers.

Y/n: we've landed and we didn't die, see wands nothing to worry about.
Wanda: still doesn't stop me being scared.
Y/n: why are you scared of planes but you can get on the jet just fine?
Wanda: I have no idea but can we stop talking about planes you're making me feel sick.
Y/n: ugh fine, what time is it?
Nat: about 3 pm there's a 6 hour time difference.
Y/n: quick question why did we take a plane instead of the jet?
Nat: the holiday experience.
Y/n: right, screaming children and many many lines can't wait, at least the worst is over.

Why is love so hard Wanda x Nat x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now