Dangerous games

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You're finally ready for the party. You go wandas room hoping to talk to her before the party; luckily she was in her room still getting ready doing her make up. You knock on the open door to make your presence known.

Wanda: oh hey y/n

Y/n: right Wanda I'm going to talk and I need you to listen to what I have to say then once I'm finished however you feel about what I have to say is fine even if you don't want to speak to me again...

Wanda: okay...

Y/n: thank you. I like you Wands I do but I'm starting to think I also like Nat... and I don't know either of you that well. I would like to get to know both of you. Meaning I would go on dates with you both separately of course; just so I can get to know you both then make my decision from there... so what do you think?

She just stands there speechless not knowing what to say. After a couple minutes of silence she finally says something.

Wanda: okay... I understand. It's completely okay with me if you want to get to know us both so depending how Nat feels I'm okay with it.

Y/n: really? I thought you would be mad.

Wanda: no I'm not mad I'm a little hurt because I like you and want you to myself but I understand that you're confused so if you need to spend time with us both then I get it.

Y/n: thank you wands

Wanda: first there's some rules. Number 1) you do not sleep with any of us wether you are drunk or not if I find out you that you have slept with Nat then I'm done.

Y/n: of course

Wanda: number 2) you do not kiss either of us in front of the other out of respect and lastly number 3) anything I tell you in confidence stays between us...

Y/n: yes of course I wouldn't tell anyone anything.

Wanda: well that's sorted then, now come help me zip up this dress.

Y/n: okay. You look beautiful by the way. (You kiss her on the cheek)

Wanda: Thank you so do you dork now go talk to Nat.

Y/n: I will I'll see you downstairs.

Once you and Wanda finish your conversation you head to nats room but you can't seem to find her so you go downstairs and she's stood behind the bar again. You walk over and order a gin and tonic.

Y/n: a gin and tonic please beautiful.

Nat: you look gorgeous this evening.

Y/n: thank you so do you, that white dress looks so good on you.

Nat: (smiles) thank you so how did you talk with Wanda go?

Y/n: how do you know I spoke to her?

Nat: I saw you in her room on my way down.

Y/n: yeah it went really well... I actually have to talk to you as well.

Nat: oh yeah what about?

Y/n: well I'll just say what I told Wanda. I like you both a lot and I can't choose either of you so I would like to spend some time getting to know you both; before I have to make a choice.

Nat: that sounds good to me.

Y/n: they're some rules though...

Nat: I'm guessing they were Wandas idea?

Y/n: yeah but I agree with all of them.

Nat: all of them? How many are there haha.

Y/n: 3. Number 1.) I can't sleep with either of you. Number 2.) I don't kiss either of you in front of the other and number 3.) anything either of you tell me stays between me and that person so basically anything you open up to me about stays between us the same for me and Wanda. Which is simple as I would never spill someone's secrets anyway.

Why is love so hard Wanda x Nat x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now