Gaming arguments.

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The next morning I woke up feeling quite refreshed considering how busy the two devils were keeping me, don't get me wrong I love them and I love sleeping with them but my wrist is starting to hurt I'm glad there's 3 of us otherwise my wrist would've firmly snapped off by now. I pulled my phone off of the side table and noticed it was 6am and remembered I had training with my dad today I kissed to two angels before hopping in the shower then putting on grey joggers, a black T-shirt and running shoes making sure I had everything I needed while heading downstairs before breakfast. Once downstairs I made some toast while sipping on my coffee I finished them both simultaneously while placing my head phones in and walking to the training room it was empty so I must have got here early. I decided to start warming up by running on the track I turned my headphones up and started my run, I started off slow then gradually built up speed until I was running faster than I ever have before I only stopped once I ran out of breath I realised I had been running for 20 minutes god my legs were aching it felt a lot longer than that I polished off the bottle of water I brought with me while scrolling through Instagram laughing at random videos of kids falling over I know I shouldn't laugh but something about it has me in stitches every time. I was in a laughing fit when I heard the main door opened my head snapped round to see Steve stood at the door with a questioning look on his face.

Steve: hey, what's so funny?
Y/n: oh my god... you have to watch this video.

I quickly jumped up making my way over to him with my phone in hand prepared to show him the video I watched his face the whole time to see his reaction but he didn't laugh.

Steve: that's what you were laughing so hard at?
Y/n: yeah! I mean it's so funny do you not think?
Steve: a little does that make us terrible people?
Y/n: I'm afraid so...

I rolled my eyes and we both burst out laughing before watching the video again and again and again after about 10 minutes we finally composed ourselves as we started to train he held the bag as I punched it and I did the same for him then we did light sparing I won of course I felt bad hitting him but it helps us be better so I went with it. We finally finished training around 12 I helped him up off of the mat before handing him a bottle of water.

Steve: when did my little girl get so strong?
Y/n: the day I got my powers.
Steve: you're growing up too fast, getting married soon you'll be having kids moving out... Jesus I don't think I'm ready for that; I'm going to miss you so much.
Y/n: I'm going to miss you too dad and don't worry we probably won't move out until one of use gets pregnant we would miss the action too much.
Steve: would you be willing to give up this lifestyle?
Y/n: for my girls I would give up anything and everything.

He patted my shoulder with a smile from ear to ear as we made our way out of the training room towards the living room I was hopping Nat and Wanda would be up eating breakfast by now or watching tv I know I saw them less than 12 hours ago and they were only upstairs but I miss them so much... I made my way into the living room and I only saw Peter sat watching tv.

Peter: hey y/n, you busy?
Y/n: I could use a shower but not particularly why?
Peter: we haven't spent much time together and I miss you, I thought we could play some black ops zombies?
Y/n: I would love that Peter I can shower later I'm not to sweaty.

He laughed as we made our way over to the game room and he set up the console as I got us some snacks as I know playing zombies can sometimes last hours considering what round we reach I decided on Doritos, sour patch kids and Dr Pepper. Once I sat down we put our headsets on and started playing, we must've been playing for at least an hour now we were on round 35 and i felt as thought If I took my eyes off of the screen for a second I would die with every wave getting more and more intense than the last. All of a sudden I saw yelena heading over as Peter slid his head set off of one ear to hear what she way saying I followed suit.

Why is love so hard Wanda x Nat x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now