Wedding outfits.

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The next morning my body jolted awake as my alarm was ringing repetitively i shut it off before laying my head underneath the cover. "I don't think so y/l/n we have an appointment to buy our wedding outfits get your butt out of this bed before I make you" Wanda demands pulling the blanket off of me. "This is abuse!" I shout as I make my way over to the bathroom to do my morning routine before getting dressed into black shorts, white Nike socks black vans and a white hoodie; I know for a fact I'll be changing a lot so I'm going more for being comfortable than stylish. We made our way downstairs eating breakfast quickly as we were waiting for everyone else to join us. Sam, Steve, Bucky,Tony, Peter and Yelena were coming to see us try our outfits on as well as helping us chose theirs.

Finally everyone was ready and we made our way to the wedding shop, there were racks full of hundreds of dresses thank god I don't have to stand there and look through those as I decided to wear a suit all I have to do is make sure it matches the wedding colours and I'll be perfectly fine. We were greeted by a lovely young woman, god saying that made me sound old maybe Steve had a point. we explained what we were looking for and we split up into 3 groups. Yelena and Bucky were with Nat, Sam and Tony were with Wanda and Peter and my dad came with me; we were picking our outfits first as we already had an idea for everyone else's outfit, we'll the colour. I walked into a separate room and there were about 100 suits spread around the room I explained that I needed something to fit a winter wedding a colour scheme and the woman brought over 5 suits. I looked between them and there was only one that stood out.
"I would like to try this one on please" I ask picking up the suit. "No problem you can get changed in there" the woman offers pointing towards what I assumed to be the changing rooms.

Wanda POV

Y/n and Nat had gone to try and find their wedding outfits which meant that I was left with Sam and Tony, not that I don't appreciate the support but it's just that moments like these make me realise how much I miss my family. I spend most of my time with Nat and y/n and they make me insanely happy so normally don't think about it my past I mean. It's just I can't help but imagine what it would be like with my mama, papa or Pietro seeing me in my wedding dress for the first time how proud they would be that I found people who love me for me. I'm brought out my thoughts by Tony placing his hand on my shoulder. " take as much time as you need where here for you" he says softly. "Thanks Tony" I reply kissing his cheek. I walked around the room looking at different dresses until one caught my eye. It was beautiful I picked it up and waited for the signal that I could go try it on.


It felt somewhat awkward having Bucky in here with me I mean I haven't spent that much time with him since he came to the compound, I mean do you blame me he slept with my soon to be wife but y/n and Wanda thought it would be a good idea to try and create some sort of friendship between us as much as I want to smack him. "Do you have any idea what kind of dress you want?" Yelena asked walking around the room looking at various dresses. "To be honest I'm not entirely sure, I think I'm just waiting till I see a dress that's catches my eye and i think is perfect if that makes sense" I explain. " what about this one?" Bucky asks holding us a hideous dress. "Bucky, that dress is dreadful, it looks so blocky" I laugh, I felt bad when his face dropped to a frown. "Sorry, it just doesn't scream me." "It's okay nat, don't worry I just wanted to help" "you're helping by being here Bucky." I state as the smile slowly appears back on his face as he brings me into a hug. "Thank you." " hey Nat, what about this one?" Yelena asks holding up a beautiful dress. It was perfect. " I need to try it on but I think that's the one" I squeal as I pick up the dress going to try it on.

Y/n POV.

After about 30 minutes or so everyone met back up in the main room after trying on our outfits. The suit fit perfectly and fit our colours i know it's the one now I just need to find suits for Peter, Steve and Tony to match along with Yelena's bridesmaid dress. There were various choices but didn't seem to fit what we were looking for thank god for the shop worker honestly she came through holding a shit that resembled mine but Peter and Steve were the only ones to know that. " I love them" I state taking a closer look. " did we just find our best men suits" Nat asks. " I think we did" Wanda replies shaking the woman's hand. " thank god for that now we only need to get Yelena's dress and we're finished... I'm starving" I joke. Nat and Yelena walked around till they found a dress they both liked we took everything to the woman and she totalled it up and read out the price to us. Peters face dropped when he heard the figure. "That's how much dresses cost?" He screeches. " we brought 2 dresses a suit, a bridesmaid dress and 3 best men suits of course it was going to be expensive" I explain handing my card to the woman to be to be cut off. " these are already paid for" she says. "Sorry by who?" I question. "By me," I hear Tony speak up. "Tony you didn't need to do that" I say patting his shoulder. "It's the least I could do, I know you need a new car so spend that money on a better car" he explains. " I still can't believe you spent 20 grand on dresses" Peter speaks up helping us carry the clothing to the car. " Peter, if you refer to our wedding outfits as 'just dresses' one more time you won't be invited to the wedding" Wanda jokes. " she joking right" he says shyly " of course I have to have my best friend at the wedding plus you're walking Wanda down the isle you kind of have to be there." I explain. "Wait what?!" He shouts. "I'm taking it she hadn't asked you yet?" "Nope" he shouts running over to Wanda pulling her into a hug. "Why are you hugging me little spider?" She asks. " I'm walking you down the isle!" He shouts jumping up and down. " y/n you really can't keep a secret huh?" She asks. "Sorry" i reply shyly. "Yes Peter you are if you want to that is" she explains placing the clothes in the car. "Yes! Of course I will I thought y/n was going to ask me to be her best man but this is so much better!" He shouts. "okay fucking rude" I say bluntly climbing into the drivers seat.

Once we get home we take our clothes to our assigned hiding spots so neither of us would be tempted to look at the others clothing. I put mine in Tony's garage no one comes in here other and tony and when he does he just upgrade suits so i know it's safe down here. As I place my suit in the locker it hits me that I'm getting married in less than a month. Jesus, I'm getting married in less than a month. Married... what the fuck. Okay no need to panic, I'm marrying the most important people in my life the two most beautiful, funny intelligent women in the world.

Author note: the next chapter will be me just showing the outfits :).

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