Y/n's Bachelorette.

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Today was the day of my bachelorette, thankfully Steve planned it so it shouldn't be too bad or so I thought. Once my dad came into the living room and explained today's plans I knew for a fact he must've went to Tony for help I don't think the old man could've come up with this on his own and if he did I don't know if I'm more disappointed or impressed.

It was now 10pm and we were in a limo on our way to a strip club I still can't believe we're going there I mean doesn't my dad know I have anxiety? I mean the thought of beautiful women dancing on me is not exactly calming. "Here you go" Steve said pulling me out of my thoughts handing me a bottle of champagne. I think he could tell I was anxious as I started playing with my locket; I only do that when I'm in uncomfortable situations. "Thank you, I needed that" I replied taking big gulps of the champagne before I knew it I was already halfway down the bottle as we pulled up to the club.

We walking inside and i Immediately ran towards the bar knowing that if I would have to be here I would defiantly need a drink. I ordered 3 shots of vodka and a whiskey neat. I finished my drinks before heading over to the table the guys had reserved which was conveniently right next to the stage. Once I sat down tony handed me a sash that said bride to be i slowly put it on as the guys cheered.

A woman walked past us and Tony grabbed her attention before turning back to me. "Y/n I just brought you a dance you're welcome!" He shouted over the music. "What makes you think I want a dance?" "You need to loosen up, the dance is paid for just go and enjoy yourself" he replied. I reluctantly stood up from the seat following the lady into the room labelled private.

As soon as we got inside we walked down a hallway and she lead me to one of the many chairs/ cubicles that were sectioned off by Drapes. I sat down on the chair as the woman started dancing. " hi, my names y/n what's yours?" I asked nervously playing with my locket. "Sapphire, you've never had a dance have you!" "Is it that obvious?" "I mean usually I have grubby men trying to put their hands all over me so this is a change" she replied smiling as she continued dancing even though I clearly wasn't enjoying it. I saw a flash out the corner of my eye but decided to ignore it. " you know you don't have to dance right, I mean it's not like I'm enjoying it" I offer shyly. "Wow, you saying I'm not attractive?" "As you said many grubby men try to put their hands on you so you know you're attractive, I just have anxiety and these things aren't my thing." I reply hoping she didn't take offence at my previous comment. " i know I'm joking with you, you're cute if you weren't about to get married I would've asked for your number" she blushed. "I appreciate it." I replied smiling as she finally stopped dancing and we both headed back to the table.

Once I got there tony had a disappointed look on his face " you know that's probably the shortest lap dance I have ever seen" " what do you mean seen?" " it was so funny, I had to take a picture to send to Nat and Wanda" " I knew I saw a flash" I replied relatively loud so a few people were looking at us. "Hey y/n come on sit down we'll have a few drinks before we head to the club." Sam suggested finishing his drink.

We finally made it to the club at 1am I was way past the point of being drunk but somehow the bouncer still let us in I'm pretty sure Tony paid him off otherwise none of us were getting in I was one shot away from throwing up. We all walked through the crowed on our way to the bar. Tony, Sam, and Bucky continued drinking but I knew I wouldn't of been able to handle it so I decided not to drink any more luckily my dad was by my side holding me up otherwise i would probably be on the floor. When everyone got their drinks we finally made our way to the dance floor.

We were all dancing in a big group, you know for people who went to a lot of parties I'm pretty sure Sam and Bucky were the only ones who knew how to dance. Steve was awkwardly swaying as Tony was doing a dance I had only seen on tiktok. I was casually swaying trying not to shock my body too much when I felt a hand snake around my waist, I turned around to see a random man, he was sweaty greasy I could smell his breath that stank of cider and nuts as his face got closer to mine. " hello gorgeous, I see you're getting married tomorrow want some fun on your last night of freedom" he offered trying to pull me closer to him. "I would never do that and even if in some different universe what would make you think I would want to have fun with a disgusting rat like you." I replied pushing him away from me with as much force as my body could conjure. Steve made his way over to us and from then on the rest of the night was pretty much blank all I remember was getting out of the limo and being helped upstairs to be met by the worried faces of my beautiful finances.

"Hey, babies you both look so sexy right now" I whisper shouted. "We're right here, you don't need to shout or whatever that just was" Nat joked. " come on baby get in bed" Wanda offered holding her hand out but I pushed it away walking over to the wardrobe when I pulled my guitar out. Nat tried to pull it off me but I just pushed her away. " I've wrote a song for you both" I slurred as I started to play cords in which order I'm not sure but I definitely played something.

"Cause all of me, loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning."

I Sang slurred but I'm pretty sure I said the words in order, I look over to both of them and they had tears in their eyes. " oh my god, was my singing that bad that I'd made you cry" I joked placing the guitar on the floor. They both ran over and hugged me. "You're so cute" Wanda Finally spoke up. "Thank god for that" i replied " you know it's like 4am right and you probably just woke up the entire house" Nat reminded me as I realised how loud I might've been. I finished my nighttime routine with help of course then the next thing I knew I was lay on the bed and I passed out my thoughts filled with the two most beautiful women in the world.

Author note: should the next chapter be wandas bachelorette or nats?

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