Buying a house?

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We somehow managed to arrive just in time most people were still arriving I know Tony said this party was for us but I'm pretty sure it was for himself as apart from the original group I know no one here; I wasn't really bothered though as it meant I could spend as much time with my beautiful fiancé's as possible.

I looked over to the main seating area and noticed yelena sat next to Peter, Sam and Bucky arguing over something again I swear they should just hurry up and get married they already bicker like a married couple. Thor and my dad were drinking and Tony was making a fool of him self with Rhodey trying to lift Thor's hammer yet again.

Y/n:You know you'll never lift the hammer right you're just not worthy. I said walking over to everyone.

Tony: I know, I know I just thought it would be fun to try.
Y/n:Thank you again for the party Tony. *I said taking the seat next to him*.
Tony: It's no problem I'm just happy you're happy now enough emotions who wants to play a drinking game?

Everyone agreed on truth or dare, of course I was the first to be asked chosen.
Sam: Y/n truth or dare?
Y/n: Dare.
Sam: Okay erm what's the last thing you searched on your phone? 

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the last thing I searched and immediately put my phone back in my pocket.

Sam: Woah woah woah you're not going to tell us? It can't be that bad.
Y/n: it's not bad but it's a secret I would rather keep thankyou very much.
Wanda: come on babe it's can't be that bad can it?
Bucky: if it's porn then just show us I'm pretty sure everyone watches it.
Y/n: Jesus Christ it's not porn. Why would it be I have two gorgeous women I don't need it unlike some, how do you even, you know your metal arm must be so cold it just shrinks.

Everyone just burst out laughing as Bucky gave you a death stare.

Bucky: you didn't seem to mind the metal arm...
Y/n: ew Jesus Christ fine I'll show you my phone if you just never remind me of that night ever again. Wanda, nat I'm sorry the surprise got ruined.

I pulled my phone out my pocket and showed everyone my screen. It was a website I used to look through houses as a surprise for the wedding I was going to buy us a house. Guess it's not a surprise anymore...

Sam: shit y/n I'm sorry I thought it would've been something funny.
Y/n: it's fine don't worry about it, I'm going to get a drink.
Sam: come on man I'm sorry.
Y/n: I know, don't worry about it I just want a drink; I'll be over at the bar if anyone needs me.

I stood up and picked up my empty glass strolling over to the bar and placing it down grabbing a bottle of whiskey pouring some into the empty glass. I was brought back to reality by a hand being placed on my shoulder I looked over to see Wanda and sat stood to my left.

Y/n: hey... I'm sorry the surprise got ruined I just wanted to keep it a secret until our wedding day.
Wanda: I know but I'm kind of glad the surprise got ruined.
Nat: same, I trust your decisions but I feel like this is something we should all do together at least now we can pick a house that's perfect for us all.
Y/n: I'm sorry you're right, I just wanted to do something for you both.
Wanda: we know and we love you for it.
Nat: exactly, your kind amazing heart is the reason I fell for you. Now let's get back to the table and speak to Sam I think he's genuinely upset.
Y/n: I thought so. I'll talk to him come on and for the record I love you both so much.
Wanda: we know dork, love you too.

I picked my glass back up and headed back to the table nodding towards Sam before sitting next to him.

Sam: y/n I am truly so-

I cut him off before he kept rambling apologies at me.

Y/n: I know buddy, you don't need to keep apologising to me I know you're sorry and I'm glad they know atleast now there's something we can do as a couple well a thruple. Don't worry about it honestly.
Sam: okay, buddy. I like the new nickname.
Y/n: you're welcome buddy.

I gave him a genuine smile before Tony interrupted it being his loud drunk self.

Tony: speech! Speech! Speech! Y/n, do a speech!
Y/n: oh god. Okay let me think... right okay. This is off of the top of my head so don't judge my rambling.
Wanda: you got this babe!
Y/n: Life has never been easy for me as you guys know from losing my mum to losing my mind it's never been easy but you were for me through everything all of you and I don't think there's enough words in the universe to describe how greatful I am to have you all by my side. My best friends, my family I know the past few years have been complicated and stressful to say the least but I feel like I've finally found where and who I'm meant to be. I have the most beautiful women by my side eveyday and I still can't believe my luck, honestly I feel as though I'm waiting to be woken up for a dream, someone needs to pinch me. Ow what the fuck!
Sam: you said someone needs to pinch you!
Y/n: it was a figure of speech! Jesus. Okay as I was saying I'm living the dream and I'm so glad to have every single one of you except from Sam. You're my family. Let's do a toast, to family!
Everyone: to family.
Y/n: also thanks again for the party tony.
Tony: you're welcome.

I turn around to Wanda and Nat kissing them both on their cheeks.

Y/n: I love you both so much and I can't wait to be your wife.
Wanda: I love you too dork.
Nat: I love you both more than I could've ever imagined.

I pulled them both into a hug as we sat back down to enjoy the rest of our night.

Why is love so hard Wanda x Nat x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now