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Nat: what?
Wanda: you love me?
Nat: what?
Wanda: you just said she's lucky I love her. You love me.
Nat: no...
Wanda: aw nat.
Nat: fine, yes I love you okay. I was waiting for the right time to say it but guess that ruined.
Wanda: I love you too.
Nat: you do?
Wanda: of course I do idiot, I'm madly in love with both of you.
Nat: thank god for that, I thought I just embarrassed my self.
Y/n: never, we both love you. now you getting on or not?

Nat hops onto the jet-ski and tightens her grip around your waist, you take her as far as you took Wanda and come to a stop so you can talk.

Y/n: well that was cute.
Nat: oh shut up y/l/n.
Y/n: you love me, you can't say that you'll make me sad.
Nat: I'll punch you.
Y/n: now that's not very nice is it?
Nat: carry on and I'll push you off and let the sharks eat you.
Y/n: wait there's sharks?
Nat: there's sharks in the ocean y/n don't tell me you didn't think there was sharks.
Y/n: oh god.
Nat: you okay.
Y/n: yeah I just didn't realise there were sharks here. And my slight well crippling phobia of them.
Nat: you're one of the most powerful people I know if not the most powerful and you're telling me you're scared of sharks?
Y/n: they're scary...
Nat: oh my god. I'm going to die, stop making me laugh.
Y/n: Nat I think I'm going to throw up.
Nat: wait, what? Are you being serious.

All of a sudden your body goes limp as you fall backwards into Natasha.

Nat: y/n? You okay? Hello? Don't tell me you've fucking fainted in the middle of the ocean. I'm going to kill you when we get back.


She leans further into you placing her hands on the bars as she slowly starts driving back to the house being carful to hold onto you about 20 miunutes later she meets a worried Wanda as she pulls up to the house.

Wanda: where the fuck were you?
Nat: she fainted I had to drive back.
Wanda: what do you mean she fainted?
Nat: well I threatened to push her off because she was teasing me about the fact I said I loved you and I said I would leave her and let the sharks eat her.
Wanda: you said what?
Nat: I'm guessing you know about her shark phobia then?
Wanda: yeah I tried to get her to watch jaws and she threw up.
Nat: oh god, she told me she was going to throw up but instead she fainted.
Wanda: let's just get her inside.

Nat leaned backwards and wanda uses her powers to gently lift y/n off the jetski and carry her into the hut and places her on the bed. She tries everything to wake her up but she isn't moving, when she realised all she needed was to startle you.

Y/n POV.

You feel a cold feeling in your face as your eyes burst open. You see Wanda stood above you with a cup in her hand.

Y/n: did you seriously just Chuck water on me?
Wanda: you were passed out for nearly an hour.
Y/n: wait what?
Nat: I told you about the sharks and you passed out.
Y/n: why would you tell me about sharks?!
Nat: I didn't know you were scared of them!
Y/n: did I throw up?
Nat: no, luckily you fainted before you could, I had to drive the jet ski back.
Y/n: Jesus Christ well I'm not going back in the water.
Wanda: the sharks aren't for miles, just stay near the hut and you'll be fine.
Y/n: YOU THINK IM GOING BACK IN THE WATER? Are you crazy? The only way I'm going back in that water is if one of you are drowning.
Nat: there's a lot of other things we can do we don't have to go in the water if you don't want to.
Wanda: she's right, we could go to a bar? Just promise me you'll try and go back in the water at least once?
Y/n: I don't know...
Nat: please y/n.
Y/n: is that what it's going to be like now? I say no to one of you and the other tries to convince me?
Nat: is it working?
Y/n: kind of.
Nat: then maybe.
Y/n: for gods sake just for you two but not today.
Wanda: no we'll just sunbathe today then later tonight we can go to a bar?
Y/n: deal.
Nat: deal.
Wanda: you two are such dorks.
Y/n: yeah Nat.
Nat: excuse yourself, your nickname has always been dork don't try and drag me down to your level.
Y/n: you became a dork the second you said you loved Wanda.
Wanda: thin ice y/n. Thin fucking ice.
Y/n: I owed you for the walking stick comment.
Wanda: are we even now?
Y/n: if you give me a kiss?

She pecks your cheek and slaps the back of your head.

Y/n: now we're even.

You all get changed into bikinis before grabbing towels, sunscreen and bottled beer. You head to the sand and set up towels sitting on them drinking your beer and Wanda and Nat sunbathe occasionally asking you too rub sunscreen on them you're pretty sure they're asking for it far too often but you don't mind. After a few hours of sunbathing and drinking it's about 6pm when your phone starts ringing you look at the screen to see that peters face timing you.

Y/n: oh hey Pete what's up?
Peter: wow y/n you're really red!
Y/n: what? Oh my god you're right. OH FUCK!
Wanda: what is it? Oh my god.
Y/n: I look like a fucking tele tubby, I'm so red.
Nat: please tell me you put on sunscreen...
Y/n: does it look Like I put FUCKING SUNSCREEN ON? oh god I was too busy thinking about applying it to you, can you blame me I forgot to put it on my self. I'm burning so bad, please tell me you have after care?
Nat: thankfully I brought some.

You rush back to the hut still on the phone to Peter, you stand in the middle of the room as Nat applies it to your entire body.

Nat: you kinda look like someone.
Y/n: don't even say it.
Nat: you look like vision.
Y/n: I'm going to kill you.
Nat: I think we have some aloe Vera that will help a lot.
Y/n: anything please, it hurts so bad.

She applies aloe to your body as you sit on the bed hoping the burning will stop stinging as you hear laughing on the other end of the phone.

Y/n: Peter I'm going to kill you.
Peter: it's not me laughing!
Y/n: who is it? Tell them I'm going to kill them.
Yelena: hey besti!
Y/n: yelena? Since when do you and Peter hang out?
Peter: that's what I actually wanted to talk to you about, mj was right I spoke to yelena and found out she liked me too, we're not together but we're getting to know each other and it's all thanks to you.
Y/n: you're welcome I guess.
Peter: what's that supposed to mean?
Y/n: nothing, nothing.
Peter: you don't seem happy.
Y/n: I am I'm so happy for you I'm just confused, you seemed so heartbroken yesterday.
Peter: I know I realised I wasn't upset because she ended things I was just upset and scared to face my true feelings.
Y/n: as long as you're happy I'll always support you I love you both so much, yeah even you Yelena.
Yelena: good because I miss you! When are you coming home?
Y/n: 5 days if I don't die from this sun burn.
Nat: stop being dramatic you'll be fine.
Y/n: peter I've got to go kill a spider I'll see you later.
Peter: bye!

You end the call and slowly put the phone down looking at Nat.

Nat: I don't see a spider? Ugh where is it?!
Y/n: I'm looking at it, get here widow!
Nat: you don't want to do that!

You grab her and pull her towards you as her body collided with yours the pain from the burn shatters throughout your body as you fall to the floor.

Nat: y/n?
Y/n: fuck...get me some aloe.

She applies more after care to you skin before laying you on the bed and letting you rest she knew The pain was becoming too much even if you didn't want to complain.

Why is love so hard Wanda x Nat x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now