Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

I sniffled as I was riding back home with Willow.

"He only asked why you were broken. Was it nesesary to tell him to fuck off, it was none of his business and then just leave?" Will asked quite loudly.

"It isn't any of his business." I snapped.

She only shook her head as she pulled up to my house and I saw Angel and Andrew's cars sitting in the driveway.

Oh, just fucking great.

"Thank you for making my night a living hell." I whispered as I got out, not even listening to her as she called my name.

When I walked in the house I was immediately questioned by the twins.

"Where the fuck did you go?"

"Why don't you ever listen to what you're told!"

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Just disobeying daddy like that?!"

I held up my hand. "Keep asking me questions, I will punch you right in your fucking face." I said as I walked past Angel to go upstairs.

"Have fun getting beat tomorrow!" She shouted at me as I closed my bedroom door.

Andrew followed me upstairs. "I'm sorry Jade, I tried to cover for you but she shouldn't listen. I'm sorry." He said.

I nodded. "I know. brother." I half smiled.

As soon as I changed and crawled into bed I started crying.

I hated everything. I just want it to all go away.

I ended up crying myself to sleep that night. This happened most of the time.

Niall's Point Of View

"Why are you so broken, Jade?" I asked, biting my lip.

She looked at the counter top of the bar. Her eyes staring blankly.

"Jade? What happened that made you so broken?" I asked, my face now full of worry. I didn't know Jade that well... Actually, I barely knew her to be honest. But I could feel she was more than just broken. She was surrounded by darkness, I could see it in her eyes. And I wanted to help her.

She suddenly looked up at me, her eyes now dark with anger and my eyes went wide. "Just fuck off! It's none of your fucking business!" She shouted at me as she stood up and stormed out of the pub.

I looked down at the ground, now feeling bad. I shouldn't have asked... 

Jade's Point Of View

I woke up to the sun shining brightly through my window and straight to my face. I opened one eye and saw it was sunnier than usual here in London. It was mostly rainy here, but today there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

"I know it's you mama." I mumbled quietly.

On the days were I wake up and am already in a bad mood seems to be the days it's nice out... I think it's my mom and Sage telling me to keep my head up.

I sighed as I got up and walked downstairs to start making breakfast my ungreatful family would be demanding when they woke up.

It was about ten o'clock in the morning, so I was the only one who was awake.

The kitchen smelled of bacon and eggs as I made everyone's plates and set them on the table. All but mine. I never eat at the table, I'm not welcome to sit at the table with them.

I walked upstairs and knocked on everyone's doors to tell them breakfast was ready and went back into my room to take a shower and get dressed.

After I was finished I thought I should check my phone.

But all I found were apology texts from Niall and angry texts from Willow.

Shaking my head I turned on my music, quiet enough so you could only hear it if you right outside my door.

"'Cause I'm broken when I'm open

And I don't feel like I am strong enough

'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome

And I don't feel right when you're gone away

'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome

And I don't feel right when you're gone away"

The lyrics ran through my mind as I stepped into my bathroom. I sat on the ground in front of my sink and grabbed the blade out of the drawer.

Pulling up my shorts I began leaving more gashes, only this time on my leg.

The blood was pouring out of the fresh wounds. Sliding down the side of my leg and onto the bathroom floor.

Tears now stinging my eyes I just watched myself bleed, not even bothering to stop it. I knew I wouldn't bleed to death, so I just sat there. 

I leaned my head back and stared blankly up at the ceilling. I could feel the water droplets falling from my eyes, down my cheeks and dripping off my chin.

I just want it all to stop.

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