Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

~Two Months Later~

Niall's Point Of View

It's been two months since the last time I saw Jade and I missed her more than anything. The boys and I didn't win the competition, but Simon signed us onto his record labor and we're working on becoming the biggest boyband in the world. But it just doesn't feel right without Jade by my side.

"Niall, we're about to go to the studio." Liam said as he came into my room.

"Alright, I'll meet you guys there." I replied.

He sighed and came and sat down next to me.

"Ni, we all miss her. And I know you miss her more than we do, but you have to let her go. It'll be hard, but you can get through this."

I shook my head. "I can't give up on her. I told her I would never give up on her. And I meant it. If she would just talk to me I could show her I love her!"

Liam sighed and just walked away.

The boys haven't been able to help me with this. I don't even want them to help me. The only thing that will make me feel better is if I can talk to her, but she won't respond to my texts, calls, facebook messages. I even sent her a tweet and I got nothing.

But I will show her how much I love her and want to be with her. No matter what it takes.

Jade's Point Of View

I was laying in my bed. I now lived in a small apartment in London that my Uncle John helped me afford. 

He wasn't too happy when he found out I quit the X Factor, but after I told him why he understood.

I see him and my Aunt almost everyday because they come to check on me, to make sure I'm not doing anything stupid.

But what they don't ever know, is it's worse than before.

I had newly found cuts and gashes all over my legs and thighs. I was too afraid to keep cutting on my wrists because I could always see their eyes wonder over my body, and I never wore shorts, no matter how hot it was.

Aunt Melissa told me I wasn't allowed to buy alcohol, but I had it hidden in my closet upstairs.

I was back to my old ways and I wasn't proud of it, but this I guess is who I was.

I thought about Niall all the time and it bothered me. He was in my head day and night, he was in my dreams. He never stopped texting or calling me, always messages me on Facebook and even tweeted me a couple times.

But I want nothing to do with him. I'm too broken to talk to anybody.

Willow comes over once in a great while, but she only comes to bring me alcohol. She's mad beause I won't talk to Niall and I honestly don't care.

Louis stopped by with her once, and he wasn't too happy with me either. But again, I don't care.

The only person I see on a regular basis is Harry. He comes over a lot to drink and have fun. I cry on his shoulder when I get too drunk and start missing Niall more than I already do.

Harry's basically my best friend now.

He's tried once or twice to get me to talk to Niall, but he doesn't try and force me like everybody else, which is why I keep him around and pushed everybody else away.

Suddenly, I felt my phone viborate and it was a call from my uncle.

"Hey." I answer quickly.

"Hey sweetheart. Are you home? I need to talk to you." He said.

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