Chapter One

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Chapter One

I was laying in my bed, holding a picture of my mom, my little sister and I to my chest as tears streamed down my face.

My father was drunk once again and came upstairs to "Have a little chat." Why the quotations? Whenever he wants to "Have a chat", that's when he means he's going to hit me.

I don't understand what I ever did to him. Ever since mom and Sage died he makes sure he hits me atleast three times a day. And I haven't seen him sober since the day of their funerals.

I sighed as I stood up to walk to my dresser and safely set the picture against my mirror and half smiled to myself. I walked to the bathroom and noticed my eyeliner and mascara was now running down my face, new bruises forming on my arms and one lightly tinting my right cheek with the blackish blue color.

Tears still sliding down my face, I washed off all the make up to reveal the scar on the left side of my face. It was from my brother' back when we were kids.

I noticed my hair was now messy. Strands sticking up and out of place from dad pulling it to drag me when I would try to run away. I took the brush and fixed it best I could.

"Mom would have never let this happen..." I whispered to my self as I looked down at the sink and put the brush down to hold onto the edges of the sink.

I shook my head and stood back up to turn my shower on. I walked back to my room to pick out sweat pants, a tank top and a hoodie to slip on after my shower.

The water trickled down my face as I stepped in and closed my eyes. Showers sometimes made me feel better.

After I washed my hair and my body, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my hair and my body.

The mirror was foggy so I tried to wipe away the fog and looked at my pale face once again. I put my hair into a high bun and sighed as I dried off and put my cloths on.

I stepped into my room once again and picked out a pair of socks and my converse. Slipping them on, I heard my phone ringing. I smiled slightly when I read the ID as "Willow."

"What's up, sugar?" I asked as I put the phone between my shoulder and my ear.

"Are you still coming down tonight? I'm going to be bored as shit because it's Wednesday and no one ever comes in on Wednesdays!" She said, a bit annoyed.

"Calm down. I'll be there in a little bit, I just got out of the shower." I replied as I grabbed the phone and sat up straight again.

"Good! I'll see you soon, babe." She said and hung up.

I shook my head a little and stood up to examine myself in the mirror.

"Jeans." I mumbled to myself and walked to my dresser and picked out my favorite pair of jeans.

I changed out of my sweat pants and then looked back in the mirror and nodded. "Much better."

As I walked downstairs I heard the tv and the microwave going.

I quickly sped past the kitchen and made my way to the front door.

"Going to the pub." I shouted as I closed the door behind me.

That's the only way I could get away with going anywhere. If I just run through the house and out the door, yelling to them where I'm going and getting into my car and driving off as quick as possible.

I got into my 1967 Black Cheavy Impala and started the engine. And I could see my sister glaring at me from her window. Wednesday is laundry day and I'm the only one who does that kinda stuff, so with me leaving it means she wont have clean cloths until tomorrow, hense the glare.

As I pulled into the driveway of my pub I stepped out of the car and walked inside to find Willow leaning against the bar and looking at something on her phone. I shut the door and she looked up with a wide smile.

"Finally!" She yelled and came over to me to hug me.

"Will, no hug!" I said loudy as she wrapped her arms around me.

I winced from the pain and fell into her a bit.

She instantly pulled back and a bent over, resting my hands on my knees as the pain throbbed over my arms and torso.

"Jade, I'm so sorry!" She frowned.

"It's alright... Dad just gave me a beating about thirty minutes before you called me." I said as I slowly stood back up and looked at her.

She rolled her eyes and walked back to behind the bar. "He's such a prick."

"Tell me about it." I mumbled as I sat in my chair to the far right where the cash register was. "I need some whiskey, love." I said as I pulled out some money and set it on the counter.

My father might have a lot more of my moms fortune, but she still left me plenty.

"You got it." She responded as she grabbed a glass and poured my favorite whiskey into it and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I nodded as I put the cup up to my lips and drank almost half the glass.

"Damn, girl." She said when my glass hit the table top.

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Never mind." She shook her head as she started wiping off the counter.

I sighed as I pulled out my phone.

Moments later I heard the pub door open and I looked to see a gorgeous blonde haired man step inside with four men following him.

Willow and I stared at them as they took a seat at a table near the front.

I examined them as they started a conversation. The blonde was skinny, looked to be about 18 or 19. He had beautiful blue eyes that sparkled in the dim light of the pub.

The man sitting next to the blonde had ridiculously curly hair that was pushed out of his face. He had a couple tattoos on his arms and it looked like there was one on either side of his chest. He smiled at something one of them must have said and I could see he had dimples.

The one that was sitting on the other side of the blonde was a bit darker skinned. He had a little facial hair and a few tattoo. He was leaning back in his chair with his hand on the back of blondies chair.

There were two other men, one sat on the side of curly. He has flippy brown hair, facial hair and a couple tattoos. Wow, they like their ink, I guess. And, the last one had a couple tattoos and short, light brown hair.

Willow suddenly hit my arm and whispered for me to stop being creepy and to look away.

I nodded and blushed as I turned back around and drank a bit more of my whiskey. The burn that comes to your throat when the whiskey hits it always gives some kind of... Rush, I guess you could say. I don't understand why. It just makes me feel stronger, or something... I can't explain it.

"Who are they?" I asked quietly as I set my glass down.

Will shrugged. "I've never seen them before."

I heard a chair slide and a couple footsteps coming over to the bar.

"Hi, can we get a few drinks?" A husky voice said, almost right next to me.

"Sure, what can I get you?" Willow smiled as she stepped in front of the register.

"Um, two pints, two rum and cokes, a vanilla tequila and a couple shots of whiskey, please." An Irish accent said.

I turned to see blondie and curly standing there, smiling at Willow.

She nodded as she went over and started making their drinks.

I took a couple sips of my whiskey and set the finally empty glass back down as I let out a small, sigh.

I could see them look over at me from the sigh. My eyes widen slightly and puts my hands on my thighs.

"Well hello." Blondie said as he sat down next to me.

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