Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Jade's Point Of View

"Jade!" Angel's voice screamed from the other side of my door.

I growled quietly as I got up and unlocked and opened my door. "What?" I snapped.

"Go shopping! We have nothing to eat in this damn house!" She growled.

I rolled my eyes and slammed the door in his face as I went to my dresser.

Why do they always do this to me? I can never just sleep in peace. I always have to be woken up for something!

Sighing, I quickly got dressed and went dowstairs and grabbed my car keys.

"I'll be back." I mumbled as I went outside and got into my car.

As I walked into the store I felt my phone buz in my pocket and I pulled it out to find a list of things to get my sister texted me.

Rolling my eyes I grabbed a cart and skimmed through th aisles to find everything I needed.

Once I was finished I paid and went out to my car. 

I was walking through the parking, when I slipped on ice. It was about December so it was that time of year for ice and snow.

I yelped as my body hit the ground with a loud thud, and I think I heard a couple cracks.

Tears immediately streamed down my face as I sobbed in pain.

My head hurt so bad. It was throbbing massively as I began to see stars. I felt a pair of hands wrap around me and muffled voices all around me.

Everything was happening so fast all I can remember after that is everything just disappearing.

I woke up a few days later in the hospital. My eyes fluttered open as I scanned the plain white room and the beating machines I was hooked up to. IV's running all over my arms, an ace bandage wrapped around my entire torso and goze wrapped around my head.

"What happened?" I groaned loudly as I tried to sit up but I was too weak.

"You were shopping and you fell on the way to your car." The all too familair voice said from across the room.

I honestly couldn't believe my ears.

"Dean?" I whispered softly. "Why are you here?" I frowned as I looked up at him.

He sighed deeply and looked at me. "I want to explain... Jade, I love you, I have since the day I told you I loved you. But I made somemistakes, and I know I hurt you but I want another chan-" He replied to my question.

I cut him off right before he finihsed his sentence. "No." I whispered, shaking my head.

"Please.. I love you." He said, biting his lip.

"You broke my heart three times, Dean. You took away everything. You were my escape from my sister, my brother, my father, school. Everything. I gave you all I could. I snuck you in the house on nights my dad was away when your parents kicked you out. I fed you when you had no food, I gave you money when you needed it. You took my fucking virginity and all I get is shit. I'm done, Dean! Because of you I am broken and I can't be fixed!" Tears were coming to my eyes now and my vision was getting blurry.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I can fix things, Jade. I love you. I do." He frowned, looking at me.

"No!" I yelled as the tears were now streaming down my face.

I heard footsteps outside my hospital room and I saw Willow burst through my door.

"Get away from her!" She growled as she quickly came to my bed side.

"Don't tell me what to do, Willow." He snapped. "All I want is another chance."

"Well you're not getting one. So just leave, or, a couple of our friend will be here any minute and they wont hesitate to kick your ass." She snarled.

Dean just rolled his eyes and stood up. "This isn't over, Jade." He said and left.

I watched as he left and I couldn't take my eyes off the door as he shut it quietly.

"Will, why does he do this to me?" I cried as she held me in her arms. "He knows I love him and he knows I want to take him back,but I can't go back to that. And he knows I wont come back... It's like he's teasing me." I shook my head.

"I don't know, babe. He tries to make other's feel bad because of his insecurities." She replied, stroking my hair to calm me down.

There was a knock on the door and I sniffled as Willow jumped up to answer it.

"Jade, are you alright?" I heard the thick Irish Accent and I never thought I'd be happy to hear his voice so much.

"I'm fine." I mumbled, stills lightly crying.

Niall hurried over to me as the rest of the boys came flooding into the room. Louis, of course, standing right next to Willow.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, pure worry in his eyes.

"I'm fine, really Niall." I nodded, trying to give him a half smile.

But as soon as I looked up to meet his piercing blue eyes, I broke down again.

I wasn't able to speak or anything. My cries could have been heard from anywhere.

"What happened?" Niall asked, looking over at Willow.

She bit her lip and looked at me. I nodded, telling her it was okay to tell him.

"Her ex, Dean came to see her. And he's basically just taunting her, but making it seem as he cares, when in all actuality, he doesn't care.." She frowned and looked at me to make sure she said it right.

I nodded lightly and turned my head slightly to look back at Niall.

Niall looked back at me. I could see the question coming to his lips and he spoke. "Is he the one who hurt you?" He asked, biting his lip.

I nodded slowly. "He's the reason I'm broken."

I could see him clench his jaw as he stood up.

"Niall... I'm okay." I frowned.

He shook his head. "I need some air he mumbled." As he walked out of my room.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Willow asked, biting her lip and looking at the rest of the boys.

"He'll be fine." Harry nodded. "He just needs to cool off."

"If you say so." She mumbled as I turned over in my hospital 

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